Snow Days

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    3C's Cancelation Policy

    As a rule of thumb, if Cincinnati Public or North West Schools close, 3C's will close. Also if these schools close due to temperature, 3C's will usually not close because the children are not riding buses.
    Shannon will send out notification via text messages at 6:00am.
    Hours of operation for 3C's:
    Monday - Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm
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    CHPC Church Services

    CHPC does not close for snow unless a snow emergency is declared by the city.
    Services begin at 9:00am- 10:00am and 10:30 - 11:30am. People begin arriving at 7:30am and are often at after church activities until 1:00pm or later.
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    Sunday Priority Clearing

    1.  Atrium North Entrance
    2. Main Parking Lot
    3. South Atrium Entrance
    4. Sancturary Handicap Entrance
    5. South Parking Lot
    6. More to be added
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    Weekday Priority Clearing

    1. Atrium North Entrance
    2. Learning Center Canopy Entrance
    3. Main Parking Lot
    4. More to be added
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us