20.05 Background Checks

All employees, ministry partners or potential employees of CHPC or its Ministries that have or are applying for a position where contact with minors can be expected must have a Background Check completed. Once the Criminal Records check is received, it must be filed with the Finance/Human Resource Office.

A new Criminal Records Check must be performed if there is duration of 1 year or longer between ministry partner sessions, or if the ministry partner is taking a position within a different CHPC Office or Ministry Area where contact with minors can now be expected.

If the potential ministry partner is to serve in a position for a limited duration of time, not to exceed 3 sessions or 6 hours within any given 6 month time period, will always be under the direct control and supervision of an employee of CHPC or its Ministries, and will not be allowed to be alone with any child or children while volunteering, the above Criminal Records check may be waived by the CHPC Office or Ministry Area at its discretion.

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