10.02 Mileage Reimbursement

Team members may be reimbursed for use of personal automobiles when their supervisor requires such usage for legitimate business purposes, and the mileage in any single day exceeds the normal commuting distance by 20 miles or more. It is the campus pastor/team leader’s discretion as to whether his/her team will be reimbursed for this mileage. 

The mileage reimbursement rate is the maximum rate allowed by the IRS, and the reimbursement is calculated as follows: 
  • Determine the total number of business-related miles traveled during the day, beginning, and ending at your residence. 
  • Subtract from that total your normal commuting distance when making a round trip between your residence and your assigned office. 
  • If the difference is more than 20 miles, you may request a reimbursement for the miles. Compute the reimbursable amount based on the current IRS business use rate. If the difference is 20 miles or less for a single trip, you are not entitled to any reimbursement. 
Team members must include the following information for mileage reimbursements: 
  • Date of travel 
  • Starting location, ending location and all destinations in-between 
  • Business purpose of travel 
Mileage reimbursements must be submitted to Finance within 30 days from the date of travel to be reimbursed, as required by the IRS. Mileage reimbursements will be paid by direct deposit and included with the employee’s normal paycheck. Carpooling is encouraged when multiple team members are traveling from the same general vicinity or location. The driver should claim the mileage expense reimbursement. 

Staff members are encouraged to rent a car when traveling a significant distance. Staff member should make calculations to determine if renting a car is more economical than paying mileage. Supervisors may exercise discretion in determining if circumstances exist that make it more appropriate for the staff member to drive his or her personal vehicle. Prior approval from the staff member’s supervisor must be obtained if mileage is to be reimbursed. 
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