Fellowship Hall EVO video switching reset

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    Main EVO Controls

    The A/V Desk, Apple Mini computer has the software to run the EVO system. 
    Open the software by runnning ...
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    EVO Receiver Reset

    If the signal is being sent from the F.H. computer but is not being received, the receiver needs to be rebooted. The receivers are POE (Power over ethernet) so you need to unplug the network cable at the receiver or at the transmitter for 30 seconds to clear and reset the receiver. This is for all TVs on the EVO network which are identified as TVs on the F.H. EVO screen.
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    Reset TVs

    To reset TVs, a stepladder is required to access the TV power plug. Unplug for 30 seconds or longer and then replug to boot up the TV. This should reset all settings without going into the Sony TV Pro Mode.
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    Sony Pro Mode Access

    The Sony monitors are set to Pro Mode and that eliminates or limits being able to choose features.  The TV displays pro settings in process in a blue dialog box at the top of the screen when you are in pro mode. Pro Mode is enabled  by pressing Display, Mute, Vol Up & Home within two seconds. You must press these buttons rapidly as possible in order to beat the two second limit.  Start pro mode from the settings menu. Wait for Pro Mode to start up. To re-enter pro mode, choose start pro mode from the menu to enable Pro Mode. To stop pro mode, go to the menu and choose normal mode. This sequence is private knowledge to Pro Installer‘s only. Retail vendors do not even know it exists.
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    EVO transmitter’s and network switch

    The four transmitters
    The lower surge, protector or sequencer only controls the sanctuary, receiver power.
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    EVO Broken Webpage

    4/8/2023 Saturday, during the magician show, we troubleshoot for lack of webpage access. The Mac Mini was saying that there’s no Internet access for the EVO webpage. We tested the entire Network and rebooted the network to no avail. The problem turned out to be the controller, which is located in the AV cabinet by the desk, had a broken power supply. The power supply was capable of turning the lights on in the controller, but not capable of operating the controller. Matt swapped out the power supply, and everything was back to normal. 
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