11.01 Employee Classification

Regular Full time - Regular working hours for full-time employees are between 30 and 40 hours per week.   The exact schedule will be determined between the employee and supervisor based on the needs of the church.
Regular Part time - Regular part-time employees are those who work at least 20 but less than 30 hours per week.  These employees are eligible for vacation, holiday, and sick leave at the same percentage of total time the employee works. These employees can also elect to have 403(b) contributions withheld from their pay checks.
Irregular Part-Time/Temporary - These employees work less than 20 hours per week or work on a limited or temporary basis for a defined period. These employees are not eligible for any paid time away from work.
CHPC reserves the right to change work schedules of any employee as necessary to meet the needs of those served.
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