7.05 Disabilities

CHPC is committed to complying fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended, and similar state laws and ensuring equal opportunity in employment for qualified persons with disabilities. All employment practices and activities are conducted in a non-discriminatory basis.

Hiring procedures provide qualified persons with disabilities meaningful employment opportunities. Preemployment inquiries are made only regarding an applicant’s ability to perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation. Reasonable accommodation is available to each qualified disabled employee where the disability affects the performance of job functions unless the accommodation creates an undue hardship on CHPC. All employment decisions are made based on the individual situation in compliance with the ADA. 

Qualified individuals with disabilities are entitled to equal pay and other forms of compensation (or changes in compensation), as well as in job assignment, classifications, organizational structure, and position descriptions. CHPC is committed to taking all other actions reasonable and necessary to ensure equal employment opportunity for persons with disabilities in accordance with the amended ADA and all other applicable federal, state, and local laws. 
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