Minutes 2024 April 8

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    Minutes from Deacon Meeting 4/8/24

    Present:  Jinda Bowerman, Karen Peacock, Ann Peacock, Joe Robinson, Jeanne Spencer, Nitha Elu,  Debbie Duncan, Andrea Brown, Mike Fox, Liz Mock, Deanna Huddleston, John Hancock, Pat Dollard, Missy Deloney, Cheryl Schaeffner, Joe Brooks, Paul Moncelle

    Not Present: Samhar Gutierrez, Luke Verhagen, Steve Williams, Shondra Valletti, Mike Funez, Ellen Murphy

    Guests: Christy Roediger, Michael Gaines

    Opened with Worship and Prayer. 

    Items of Interest and Discussion:

    • Michael Gaines presented a very informational Powerpoint about CHPC facilities (attached to this email). Highlights include: 

      • Introduction of Sweet Process app – has procedures relevant to Deacon ministry, such as Emergency Procedures. Heather can assist us with this. We need to be sure all the information is current and up to date on the app.

      • We have 6 total buildings on our campus, which are also used by Partnering Ministries. We collaborate with a variety of local community organizations.

      • Atrium doors open at 8:00. There is a key pad behind the front desk where doors can be programmed to stay open for 30 minutes or longer.

      • Facilities Request form – there’s a QR code in the bulletin each week where needs can be submitted.

      • The Deacon Board sent Michael a list of people who are interested in the Safety and Security Team; he will follow up with them.

      • Michael needs help with Sundays volunteers so he can take some time off. Let him know if you are interested.

    • Joe Brooks - Treasurer’s Report. We still need into from Heather regarding how we are doing replenishing the Deacon Fund after the Holidays (an announcement is currently running in the bulletin and in the Powerpoint slides).

    • Passed out papers for signups. 

    • More CPR trainings will be offered to church members. Dates will be announced.

    • As discussed at last month’s meeting, we need to have 4 Deacons available for the 10:30 service. For those who are serving at 10:30 service, meet together at front desk for Prayer at 10:00. NOTE: If you are serving both services and it is hard to make the 10:00 prayer time, consider (1) getting a Ministry Partner to help clean up in the Worship Center or go back later to finish and lock up, OR (2) signing up to serve at only 1 service on Sundays.

    • Goals given to us by Leadership: Motivating and encouraging people to become Covenant Partners (ECO’s version of a Member). John Hancock presented a Powerpoint on What Is a Covenant Partner (attached to email).

    • Pray for and ask people to consider becoming a Covenant Partner.  Also, pray and recruit folks to help out as Ministry Partners. Invite someone to join us in greeting on Sundays.

    • Currently, the CHPC Exploration Class to learn about becoming a Covenant Partner is being revamped. No additional information is available at this time as to what this will look like in the future.

    • Do we want to consider adding a flower to the Deacon “uniform” (currently a nametag)? It was decided through a GroupMe poll that the Deacon nametags will suffice.

    • Congregational Care – Love Shepherds ministry was discussed. Most Deacons were not aware of this outreach. Debbie Duncan will contact Elena Stothfang to present this at a future meeting.

    • We need to be diligent about Parking Lot safety and patrolling it periodically.

    Prayer needs shared (Shondra, Cheryl’s family, Jeanne Spencer’s friend Ruth, Jerry Federle, David Craig)

    Closed in prayer.

    Respectfully Submitted by Karen Peacock, Deacon Secretary 

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