Email Troubleshooting

  1. 1

    Unsubscribed Through Email

    When a contact email is sent, the recipient will receive the email with this message at the bottom “If you would like to not receive any more emails from [Insert Your Church Name], then click here to unsubscribe.




    They can click the link to confirm they will unsubscribe from ALL future contact emails from the church. If an individual has unsubscribed from emails by accident, they will need to find the email that was unsubscribed from (or another one with the link) and click on the link again to re-subscribe. Another option would be to contact a church administrator and have them resubscribe the individual by clicking the "unsubscribed" link that will appear beneath the Primary Email Address on the individual's profile.

    Only mass emails sent from the desktop version have an unsubscribe link; emails sent from the iOS version do not include this link.

    Users do NOT have to enable MailChimp or Constant Contact for the Mass Email tool to work. However, if they already have one of these accounts or would like to create an account to sync email groups created within ChMS for ease of sending, they can enable either of these accounts.

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    Unsubscribed Through Member Profile

    A member can also unsubscribe through their profile in the database. This will opt the user out of ALL Email communications sent to them. The user (or Admin) can find this under the profile for the member under the Account tab → Settings → Unsubscribe From Mass Emails




    Admins can only perform this change once so as to not abuse members wanting to opt-out of communications.

  3. 3

    Find Un-subscribers Who Used The Member Area

    Finding anyone that has unsubscribed is simply a matter of leveraging Excel. Filter for a list of people by using the Advanced Search or through the list of Groups. After a list of members has been created, use the Action Gear and export it to Excel. 




    In the next options menu, make sure to select the radio button for 'Full' and then Export.




    Open the exported file in Excel and then look for the 'Subscribed Status' column. This column will tell you if the member is 'Subscribed' or 'Opted Out'



  4. 4

    Attachment Limits

    Overall, attachments from Contact emails can cause issues. This largely has to do with spam filtering services looking at attached items closely due to attacks that can come from embedded malicious files. This said we do offer the option to attach a file to your Contact Email but there are considerations to be aware of.

    Make sure the file(s) attached are under 10 Mb in size (this is a consideration for one or multiple files). Even being close to that overall size can cause the Contact Email to fail and not send. As a general rule, it is best to consider using a file sharing service or upload the file(s) directly to your website and add links to these files in the message body.

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    Email Rules

    Make users add the 'noreply' address to their safe contacts list with their email provider (i.e.: ''. Fill in your database domain appropriately). This is the most effective tool to make sure email is not blocked.

    Adding an email rule can be key for email delivery continuity for members as spam filtering and other erroneous email traffic is attempted to be blocked. This can happen for any provider like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. Below are links to a few popular email software providers support articles around this topic. Members of your organization will need to follow these steps in their accounts.

    This is NOT an exhaustive list but one meant to help in assisting with some of the major providers. The user may need to research this information with their own software provider.

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    Receiving Issues

    Another step you can take will need the input of whoever manages your domain name settings. An SPF (What does SPF mean? Wiki Article Here) record to let the internet know that our database can send a Contact Email on your behalf. This record is used to tell spam filters that information coming from us is ok to let through the door to the recipient. Details can be found in the following article:

    SPF Records for Email Contact Messages

If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us