5.10 Alcohol, Drugs, and Controlled Substances

The church wants to create a safe, healthy, drug- and smoke-free environment for its employees and guests. To promote this goal, employees are required to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform their duties in a satisfactory manner. 

The use, sale, transfer, possession, or being “under the influence” of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances while on duty, on church property, or in church vehicles is prohibited. In addition, illegal off-duty conduct that may adversely affect the church’s reputation or interest is prohibited. “Under the influence,” for purposes of this policy, is defined as being unable to perform work in a safe or productive manner and/or being in a physical or mental condition which creates a risk to the safety and well-being of the affected employee, other co-workers, the public, or church property. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to, termination. The church reserves the right to require a drug test as part of a performance improvement plan (PIP) if drug use is suspected. 

Smoking of tobacco is prohibited within the church building or on church grounds. 
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