Floor Drain Procedures
This procedure should be followed quarterly or semi-annually depending on conditions. Last completed: 5/2/23; 9/19/2024
1O/A - Mechanical Room Basement Floor DrainsUse the flower watering can located in the custodial closet. The new red watering can holds more water than the green one.
Use a plastic bucket for the floor drains becuse they take more water.
The floor drains have a flapper valve to slow the evaporation of the water in the trap.Locations:Men’s room, ladies room, mechanical room under the chiller compressor, and next to the boiler. -
2O/A - Basemen Custodial Closet, Vacuum BreakerUse the plastic watering can stored on the shelf next to the door in the custodial closet.
Fill Air Handler drain through the white funnel adapter on the white pipe just above the P trap. If the water level is about an inch from the small white pipe, it is full. If it is all the way down, low in the trap, it will be leaking air and hence smell. -
3O/A - Club Room, Vacuum BreakersFill with 1/2 can of water through the slotted adapter above the P traps by opening both closet doors in both closets. The west closet must have the inactive door opened by releasing the inside slide bolt at the top of the door. Be sure to relock the slide bolt on the west closet inactive door.
4O/A Office Rest RoomsFour restrooms on 1st and 2nd floors each have one floor drain to fill with 1/2 gal of water. The basement restroom shower drain needs to be filled as well.
5L/C Rest RoomsFour restrooms on basement and 2nd floors each have one floor drain to fill with 1/2 gal of water.
6L/C Basement Mechanical RoomTwo floor drains in basement to fill with 1/2 gal of water.
7L/C Second Floor Mechanical RoomOne floor drain to fill with 1/2 gal of water.
8W/C - KitchenLocated at the coffee maker spill discharge pipe. Use a water pitcher.
9C/Sanctuary Rehearsal Room - West ClosetA bucket can be found in the basement custodial closet. You can use this for these areas and carry it to the Care Center (fill bucket in the Kitchen) for use in the basement and then return it to the Sanctuary Custodial Closet.
Rehearsal Room Closet is in the center of floor, perhaps behind stored tables. -
10C/Sanctuary UndercroftOne near south center support column.
One near doorway to Electrical Panel room
One at the sump pump discharge pipe. -
11C/Sanctuary Mechanical RoomTwo floor drains in mechanical room.
12C/C Care Center BasementOne at bottom of stairway.
One near rear exterior door.
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