6.04 Digital Presence of Staff (Social Media)

Social media and online communication give us a tremendous opportunity to show love to a world that’s desperately hungry for it. Your digital presence is an extension of your ministry, and it’s something people use to form opinions about CHPC. Because it is so important, we expect staff members to understand and adhere to the guidance within this policy. 

  • The content you post and the way you conduct yourself should be consistent with the vision and mission of CHPC. 
  • Do not post or share anything libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist, or obscene. 
  • Do not share or post any information that is confidential or proprietary to CHPC or to any third party that has disclosed information to CHPC. 
  • Follow copyright rules and any other related laws as you post content. 
  • Blogging, vlogging, social media, and participation in online communities for personal reasons should not interfere with your job or the mission of CHPC. In addition to being mindful about how you invest your time and energy, you should exercise caution in how you approach divisive issues in digital spaces. 
  • Because divisive issues tend to drive people further apart, it is best to avoid engaging in conversations about these topics. This includes your posts as well as comments, reactions to posts and pages, profile pic frames, etc. Personal participation in these conversations can be interpreted as CHPC’s stance on that topic, require substantial time and energy to manage, and can drive a wedge between us and the people we want to reach. 
  • In the exceptionally rare case that you do comment or post, avoid posting comments that represent taking a side. We can’t assume everyone feels the same way we do, even within our staff. Instead, we’d rather be known by what we are for, staying focused on our mission and never letting an issue cause us to lose an opportunity to share Christ with someone. Our goal is to bring a posture of ministry and care to any interactions we have. 
  • CHPC will be known by what we are for, staying focused on our mission and never letting an issue cause us to lose an opportunity to share Christ with someone. 
  • If you don’t know whether content is appropriate to share, ask your leader before posting. 
Whether directly or indirectly, social media allows us to share the difference Christ makes in our lives and open doors for others to experience the same. As leaders at CHPC, this is the privilege and the responsibility we all face when we post on social media. Because we want to steward it well, staff members are expected to follow these guidelines. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us