ALC Restart

This is how to restart the communications between the ALC server located in the A/V storage closet and the controler located in the basement mechanical room. If the floor plan is not showing temperatures in the classrooms, the communications link is broken and the modem must be restarted.
  1. 1

    Shut Down the HVAC server

    Shut Down the server by uing the Windows 11 shutdown procedure. 
    1. Click on Windows Button
    2. Click on the power button in the lower right corner
    3. Choose Shut Down
  2. 2

    Controller Communications - Modem Restart

    Use this if the ALC is not showing communications between the Server and the Controller. If this is the problem the floor plan in WebCTRL will not show room temperatures.

    In the LC Basement Mechanical Room, open the blue control box to the left of the double entry doors. At the top is the Modem and the power switch is on the top left. Side the switch to the off position for 30 seconds. Slide it back to on and communications should be restored.
  3. 3

    Controller Restart (Complete)

    In the LC basement mechanical room open the blue control panel to the left of the double entrance doors. Notice the operation indicator lights are on. Open the right hand circuit breaker box and turn off breaker #2 (upper right) for 60 seconds. Expect to hear the noise of equipment starting up when you turn the breaker back on. Turn the breaker back on. This may take about 60 seconds to hear the air handler and pumps turn on.
  4. 4

    Main Street Controller Restart

    Use this if the ALC is giving misinformation or the equipment has lost control.

    Open the tan controller box and switch off the power switch in the upper right side of the circuit board.
  5. 5

    LC 2nd floor mechanical

    Unknown Breaker or Controller at this time.
  6. 6

    Restart the HVAC server

    It is only necessary to turn on the machine. The SQL database will automatically start without intervention. 
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