20.06 Guidelines

No ministry partner may have any role within any CHPC office or Ministry Area where unsupervised contact with minors can be expected until six (6) months after CHPC membership or regular attendance at CHPC. For those Ministry Areas which rely heavily on ministry partners from outside the membership of CHPC, this guideline may be waived at its discretion so long as regular, unannounced visits are conducted for those ministry partners that have direct, unsupervised contact with minors for at least the first six (6) months of duty.
CHPC will never allow an employee or ministry partner to have any role within any CHPC office or Ministry Area where contact with minors can be expected if the Criminal Records check reveals that the person has committed or been convicted of child abuse or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation of a minor. However, at the discretion of the CHPC office or Ministry Area, and in conjunction with the agreement of all CHPC Ministers and the SST Committee, that individual may be hired or utilized in roles where no contact of any form with minors can be expected.
All records filed with the Finance/Human Resource Office under this policy will be kept strictly confidential; and access will be limited only to those with direct need to know the contents for matters of determining the status of the employee, potential employee, ministry partner, or potential ministry partner. Such records will be maintained indefinitely.
Any witnessed incidents of child abuse or neglect, or suspected child abuse or neglect of any minor, must be reported by any employee or ministry partner to his/her direct supervisor. Upon notification, the supervisor, in conjunction with the affected CHPC office or Ministry Area, must conduct an investigation of the matter and take further appropriate actions, including reporting requirements, as required, legally or otherwise, of CHPC or its Ministries.
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