Sunday Campus Opening

This section summarizes the major steps needed to ensure that the building and services run effectively.
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    Salvia Gate Unlocking

    Salvia Gate is usually unlocked when there are special services with a larger crowds.

    Most Sunday's, when gates are opened, Drew unlocks this gate upon his arrival. If Drew is out of town, it must be unlocked and locked by the Facility Team.
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    Open Main Street Doors

    Main Street is the hallway that runs from the Atrium to the Learning Center.  There are three sets of doors that should be opened. 

    To secure the door, press the handle and push door open until it is secured to the magnet located behind the door on the wall.  The door should remain open until released.

    There are times when you must adjust the position of the magnet to ensure a solid connection between the door and the wall units.
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    Check of Exterior Entrances

    Blower check for sticks/leaves: The Stihl Leaf Blower can be used to clear debris on Sanctuary front lawn walk, handicap entrance and atrium entrances. The blower is stored in the Main Street Mechanical room. Please recharge the battery after use.

    Standing Water:  
    The Atrium entrance will have standing water after heavy rains.  The long handle squeegee located in the north Atrium entrance near the hand carts can be used to push the water to the side nearest the cross.  This should be done before the Sunday choir practice.

    De-Icing Entrances: Typically, the snow removal contractor will have sidewalks cleared for services.  If for some reason the entrances are still slippery, de-icing melt is located in the North Atrium entrance near the hand carts.  Additional de-icing material is in the garage.
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    Sanctuary House Light Switches

    Sancturary House Lights can be controlled by the master remotes switch located at the entrance of the Chapel leading from the Atrium.  The switch is located to the right on the Chapel wall immediately inside the wooden door. One thing that is easy to miss for the person who turns the lights on is that the “on” switch, which is a remote wireless transmitter needs to be pressed for 4 seconds to give enough time for the signal to reach all of the 9 dimmers it controls. If it is too quick of a press, some of the lights may not turn on. Any time it happens just press the “on" button again for 4 seconds and the remaining lights will come on. Of course if bulbs are actually burned out, we need to change them. 
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    Sanctuary House Lights that are Dim

    Any dim bulbs are ready to be changed and will burn out within the next 4 to 8 hours. It is ok to change these bulbs at the beginning of the service to avoid a bulb failure during the service.
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    Sanctuary House Lightbulb Changing💡

    Lightbulbs, and the changing tool are in the bell room porch. Do not change a bulb if people are sitting in the immediate area. If the bulb was burning and you want to change it, wait for the bulb to cool down as it is extremely hot! All but two bulbs can be changed with the tool. A 6' step ladder aids for the two in the two transepts. (each side off the platform) Make sure the tool is secure and aligned on the bulb. Gently press up on the bulb to engage the yellow rubber with the glass and rotate counter clockwise. Place the old bulb in the new box. To replace the new bulb, align the bulb with the tool by rotating the tool in your hand so the bulb shank is perpendulicar with the handle and not wobbling. Extend the tool and insert the bulb in the socket turning clockwise. The tool will slip once the bulb is tight. Put the tools away and take the spent bulb to the dumpster.
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    Sanctuary House Light Bulbs - PS35

    Sanctuary House lights are located in the belltower area. These are 500-watt, 130-volt heavy duty bulbs. They are dimmer than they used to be because the filament is heavier, so it is less bright but lasts longer.

    Purchase from: 
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    Unlocking Atrium Doors

    The access system automatically unlocks the north Atrium door (facing main north parking lot) and south Atrium doors (facing Care Center) at 8:00am.

    The handicap entrance is automatically unlocked on Sunday from 8:30am to 10:15am

    To unlock the north Atrium single door at any time for 30 minutes, use the keypad on the wall behind the front desk. 
    • 15 sec. unlock  = 00*
    • 30 Min. Unlock = 1853*
    • Quick Relock = 911*
    • The Green wall button - unlocks the South Atrium Door by the Care Center Parking Lot.

    Instructions are located on the wall plate.
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    Fellowship Hall

    A. The two doors entering the Fellowship Hall should be propped open using the door stop.
     The bar handles on the inside of the doors should be placed in the open position by pushing them in and securing them with the Velcro attached to the door.

    Please loosen the Velcro and lift up the door stop at the end of the service.  

    B. The media team or the worship team usually turns on the lighting for the Fellowship Hall each service.

    C. Close the doors leading to the Kitchen during worship service.
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    Common Space TVs

     Check that the TVs (LC lobby, Fireside & Atrium) are turned on after 8:05 when they should automatically turn on. They can be manually turned on with the remote which is stored in the top rear left of the center front desk drawers. If you notice that there is no sound or the video isn't correct please send a text to Alan McKinney ((513) 604-1685 ) so he can make necessary adjustments. Rehearsal sound and video should not be broadcast to the Atrium. Only announcements and services should be shown on the TVs. The north atrium and LC Lobby TVs are programed to be on 7 days a week. Use Programing instructions if the TV's do not come on automatically.
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    Helpful Hospitality

    Be available in Atrium to assist with ministry needs. Please listen carefully to others needs and anticipate possible things they are not aware of.
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    Spill Cleanup

    There is a small sponge mop in the kitchen behind the parlor door. This can be used for small spills but wet the sponge first at the south cleanup sink. A large mop is located in the Main St. custodial closet.
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    End of Service Closing

    The Sanctuary/Atrium doors automatically close and lock at 10:45am. Deacons have the responsibility to bolt and lock the Hamilton Ave Sanctuary.

    The handicap entrance is automatically unlocked on Sunday from 8:30am to 10:15am 

    Please check the key locks of the entire perimeter of the Fellowship/Parlor area and lock all doors. The exterior Atrium north doors lock automatically at 12:15pm.
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    Other information

    A. Family Ministries and facilities have instituted the following plan to secure the youth area during services.  
    1. Doors to the Nursery are locked at all times.  Access is granted with Key Fob only.
    2. Second Floor stairwell doors are locked during services.  A team member must e contacted to get access to the floor.
    3. The elevator is stopped and secured on the second floor during the 10:30 services.  It can be retrieved for emergencies or ADA use by releasing the stop button in the elevator located on the second floor.
    B. Igniting the Fire ministries uses the Learning Center Great Hall for services from 10:30 to about 1:00pm.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us