Ministry Partner Ushers
We partner with the elected deacons of CHPC to serve the Lord and His people on Sunday mornings. We are here to make all feel welcome and loved, to help create an atmosphere for contemplation and worship, and to help the church service run smoothly as we carry out our assigned duties. This requires 8 of us (4 deacons and
4 ministry partner ushers) for each service,

1What are an Usher's Duties
- Arrive in the Deacon room (in the Narthex near the Hamilton Avenue doors) 30 minutes prior to each service, and notify the deacon captain that you are here.
- pray for each other on the Sunday Morning Service Team.
- Go to your assigned station to greet at least 15 minutes before the service begins.
- Greet all warmly as they enter the church.
- Provide assistance with directions, doors, and seating as needed.
- Distribute worship guides and connection cards on arrival,
- Light altar candles, as assigned.
- Ring the church bell, as assigned.
- Pray for the congregation and church service leaders.
- Count the number of people attending (in an assigned section).
- Collect the offerings
- Dismiss rows of people for Communion,
- Offer exit greetings as people depart.
- Distribute fliers and other items, as requested.
- Tidy up assigned area of the sanctuary (station) after each service.
2How do I learn how to be an Usher?Just ask! There are 4 deacons at each service who can help you, as well as other experienced ministry partner ushers. The deacon captain will assign you a station. It's best to ask for a written station description card to remind you of your duties, You can put this on the back of your nametag lanyard, which you should also wear. At most stations, you will have a partner.
3How often am expected to serve as an usher?We are flexible! You can usher at one or both services. Some ushers serve monthly or quarterly, while others less regularly as they are able, You can sign up for as many or as few services as you would like, as long as you are committed to being here. If you are scheduled, we will count on you!
4Can I sit with my friends/family during the service?During the sermon we prefer that you sit in the area of the sanctuary (station) you are assigned, so that you can provide any assistance needed, Your family/ friends can sit with you there, if you would like. You will need to follow the worship guide carefully so that you can report to the deacon room prior to the offering or communion, etc. It's best to sit near the end of a pew so that you can discreetly excuse yourself to perform your duties during and just after each service.
5How do I sign up to be an Usher?Sign up in the 'Ministry Partner Usher Schedule" on Sunday mornings. Please write your name on a line corresponding to the date and service time you wish to serve. Also include your contact number on the line indicated. Then put it on your calendar, before you forgetl You will receive a reminder during the week prior to the Sunday you are scheduled to serve. We look forward to serving beside you on the Sunday Morning Service Team!
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