Bosch Burglar Alarm Operating Notes

    This section provides an overview of the building alarm system.  It explores the various software apps that are used to access and control the system.  A user manual is included. IPS is the alarm provider, and we have a 5-year Service Agreement from February 2019. This covers labor and component service for normal issues. Renewal costs for the service agreement may be preferred for CHPC since we have been with IPS since 2005 and we are low maintenance. Contact IPS to have close times adjusted. Lightning strikes are not covered as our insurance will cover that. To make changes to our account the Service Coordinator, Tyler Woolums or call him at 513-631-5505.  Logan is the assigned IPS Technician for the CHPC account. In an emergency only you can call Logan's cell phone: 513-316-6345 (it's better to schedule through Tyler)
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      Bosch burglar alarm schedule

      Schedule Terms:
      Begin = disarm
      End = arm
      Open = disarm
      Close = arm
      Burglar alarm Open/Close Times

      (Disarmed) Schedule when alarm is off in buildings

      Open = Disarm alarm on building     Close = Arming alarm on building

      Current, as of 1/17/2024 Alarm Open (Disarmed) Schedule
          Day          Open             Close
      Monday         6:00 AM… 9:30 PM
      Tuesday        6:00 AM… 11:55 PM
      Wednesday   6:00 AM… 11:55 PM
      Thursday       6:00 AM… 9:30 PM
      Friday            6:00 AM… 9:30 PM
      Saturday        6:00 AM… 9:30 PM
      Sunday          6:00 AM…9:30 PM
      Note that there is a 5-minute grace period until 9:35 PM

      Main St. & both Elevators Unlock Schedule times follow Tuesday and Sunday.

      Areas: (Should be envisioned as boundary locations)
      The alarm can be activated separately in each of the following areas.
      1. Sanctuary
      2. Office & Activity (includes Atrium, Fellowship Hall, Fireside Chat Room, Great Hall and LC second floor).
      3.  3C's Classrooms (3) 
      4. Care Center (4)

      Holiday Schedule Time: Allows you to pre-plan when the alarm will disarm and arm.
      Holiday 1: Armed at 9:35 pm
      Areas Armed: Sanctuary 1; 3C's (3); Care Center (4)
      Area(s) Unarmed: Office & Activity (2)

      Holiday 2: Armed at 11:35 pm
      Areas Armed: Sanctuary 1; 3C's (3); Care Center (4)
      Area(s) Unarmed: Office & Activity (2)

      Holiday 3: Armed at 9:35 pm
      Areas Armed: 3C's (3); Care Center (4)
      Area(s) Unarmed: Sanctuary 1; Office & Activity (2)
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      Emergency24 Contact Numbers (The Monitoring Service)

      Customer Service Department

      Direct Number: (847) 227-2508

      Data Entry Department

      Direct Number: (800) 929-1507

      Technical Support

      Direct Numbers: (773) 458-2288 or (800) 926-1511

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      Black Bosch keypad

      These are located in the Atrium north vestibule, Learning Center Lobby, 3C’s Lobby, South Atrium, Care Center, Sanctuary East Entrance and Learning Center basement west entrance. 
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      Bosch Alarm Panel Manual

      Verify with IPS if our system will accept all of the commands in the Manual from the keypad.
      File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
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      Manual, partial setting of the burglar alarm

      The campus alarm can be partially set for overnight guests. 
      • Open the Bosch Phone App one or two minutes before 9:35 PM. 
      • Once the button starts to indicate that it is arming press it to turn it off. 
      • Once it is off press the Advanced button and then turn on areas A-1 Sanctuary, A-3 3C's School and A-4 Care Center. 
      • Leaving A-2 turned off allows for Exterior entry/exit and movement in the Office/Activity building; Atrium; Fellowship Hall and Learning Center Lobby, Basement and 2nd floor. 
      • Our guest should be notified that during this alarm setting process they will hear the keypad signal beeping until the alarm has been turned off. That is inevitable because you can't turn it off until it starts to turn on.
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      Bypass Devices when a device will not clear or set.

      To Bypass a device:
      • Press Bypass
      • Enter your password
      • Press the device number
      • Press Enter

      24 hr bypass seems to be unlimited in length. It might mean it is bypassed 24 hours a day.

      When you take a point out of bypass mode it may take 24 hours for the bypass to clear. this is what happened with the Water-bug in the Sanctuary.

      If this does not resolve, Call IPS for service at 513 631-5505

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      Extend Close Time of Burglar Alarm

      (A short version of these instructions are posted on the North Atrium Keypad as well.)

      To Extend Close Time:
      • Quickly Press: CMD 51
      • Enter your password
      • Enter the desired time
      • Press Enter
      • Enter AM or PM
      • Press Enter.
      This will only be in effect for one day, after which the next schedule takes effect. The latest time that can be entered is 11:55 PM, the system will not accept times past midnight.

      This feature has an authority level of 1. Levels 2, 3 & 4 and above do not have rights to use this feature.

      Extend Close Time
      • The way to this through the keyboard is to press:
      • CMD 8
      • Key 1
      • Key 4
      • Enter password
      • Enter
      • Start Time Displays 9:34pm
      • Enter new Close time 10:00
      • Select am or pm
      • Press Enter

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      Edit or Add User from Keypad

      From the Atrium Vestibule Keypad
      Enter your password, Press Enter
      Using arrow keys, scroll down to Users
      Enter the requested key number (3)
      Scroll through the desired function
      Possible data requested depending on desired function.

      Double click on the “details” cell for the user to change the authority level from the drop-down menu.
         User Group = 0
         Area Authority: Staff = L1
         Other users: L1
         Site Code = 255
      Follow the remaining prompts
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      Open Bosch RPS lite (App)

      1. Double click the RPS desktop icon.
      2. Enter your user name and password.
      3. If RPS won't take any user name or password it is because the software is off line due to a communications error with the ISP. Double check to see if other software can connect to the internet.
      4. It may ask for a second password, use: admin, 1111
      5. After it opens, double click the line that says College Hill Presbyterian Church.
      6. Look up at the toolbar and click the button that looks like a electrical connection. After it connects to the cloud, it will ask you if you want to download data. Answer yes. This gives you the most up-to-date information and RPS from the panel.
      7. When the panel Receive and Overwrite box pops up, select OK to overwrite RPS Account Data.
        1. The only time you would not want to overwrite would be if you forgot to save up to the panel but you know the data is still on the computer correctly and you want to send it a second time.
      8. From now on if you make any changes, Press the save button in the lower right corner of the screen and then press the double arrow send and receive button so the changes be saved up to the panel (cloud).
      9. To double check your work, close the app entirely and reopen, look for your work, verify and celebrate!
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      Downloading RPS lite history

      To download the history in RPS lite, 
      • click on the document page icon with the down arrow and clock which will open a window for history events. 
      • Choose current events and click OK. This process downloads an unreasonable amount of data so it takes 5,10 or 20 minutes or longer. 
      • After the history is downloaded, you can click on the other page icon to the left to view it. 
      • The oldest event is at the top of the page so you have to scroll to the bottom for the most recent. 
      • To view event details, scroll to the right or expand the window. This will show the name of the person that enabled the event if appropriate.
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      RPS lite holiday schedules

      1. Under the Program Record Sheet outline drop-down, open schedules, and then click on holiday indexes.
      2. Double click the set schedule for the desired holiday index as listed below.
      3. If you double click on a day, it will either set or clear the day in a red color. 
      4. Each holiday Index has its own holiday schedule calendar. Be careful to use the proper holiday index for the desired result.
      5. Holiday Schedules repeatevery year so you must delete the Holiday after it is finished for IHN or any other one time event.
        1. Holidays are forward and backward visible in the calendar no matter the year. If you look forward or backward a year at a time you will see the holidays showing as long as they exist.
      There are four holiday selections. As of 2/15/23 any index below 5 is blank or empty.
      1. Holiday index 1 = set Sanctuary 3C’s and Counseling Center (Use for IHN)
      2. Holiday index, 2 = set  3C’s and Counseling Center
      3. Holiday index 3 = set nothing at all
      4. Holiday index 4 = set all areas for 10:30 PM
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      Add a user in RPS Lite software

      1. From the IPS light tree, double click user assignments
      2. Click the expand users table button on the toolbar. 
      3. Enter the name
      4. Enter the pass code
      5. Select mobile access if required
      6. Double click the area, authorities detail…
      7. Choose L2 for most users.
      8. Administrators would be L1
      9. Collapse use your table
      10. Click save
      11. Connect
      12. Send an over right panel
      13. Check reset panel box
      14. Disconnect
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      UR Secure, iPhone App

      Master Account 6B0061
      Account S18636
      Michael Gaines is primary contact
      Heather is secondary contact
      Code under stress is 5742
      Michael will receive an email confirming any changes made to the App.
      The screen must be scrolled with your finger to see all the fields.
      You can edit the name and phone number.

      The time to call is not editable as of 7/18/23 The keyboard covers the time selector screen so it is not accessible. You must delete the user and reenter the data to change the time.

      The time must be entered before any other field is entered or it is not editable. The time defaults to 9:00-17:00. Enter the time as 0:00-23:59 and it will show in the listing as 0:00-24:00. Change the time by rotating in the up direction to arrive at 12:00am, then rotate down to arrive at 11:59pm. Other methods of rotating may not result in the correct time.

      Be sure to review the data entries before saving, this may save a lot of time.

      Sometimes, it takes two attempts to delete a user.

      Enter the time first 12:00am to 12:00pm covers the entire day. Scroll up to select time, if you scroll down the time will be incorrect.
      Enter the phone number as digits only.

      Call Order as of 11/27/24
      Monday thru Friday
      1. Michael Gaines 0:00-23:59 513-344-9862
      2. Greg Fischer 0:00-23:59 513-543-9495
      3. Samuel Mock 0:00-23:59 513-507-2929
      4. Drew Smith 0:00-23:59 513-235-4011

      Parties will be called in sequence 2 times until reached.

      Be sure to confirm the monitoring people have their phone set to allow calls from the monitoring company to ring at all times. Be aware of do not disturb settings on the phone.
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      Water Bug Sensors

      A Water bug is a sensor that is designed to detect water incursions and send notifications through the alarm system.  They ae typically located in boiler rooms, other locations with sump pumps or location with high probability of water incursion.

      If a Water Bug sensor is located on damp concrete, it will register and trip.
      To avoid this, mount it on a plastic insulator or spacer. This was the case in the Sanctuary undercroft pit in 02/2022

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      Repairing "Hot" Devices

      You can repair a damaged interconnect wire going to the keypads without turning off the system. Just keep the wires color aligned.

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      Motion Sensor Sensitivity

      Motion sensors have a sensitivity dial under the cover that can be turned with a small screwdriver.

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      Monitoring Phone Numbers for IPS

      See Attached letter from 11/13/2021 for origin of phone numbers.

      As communicated via email, we made the decision to find another monitoring company for our fire alarm and security panels
      to give our customers the best service. IPS fire alarm and security monitoring accounts were moved to EMERgency24 (EM24)
      on October 12, 2021.
      Your NEW Account Number as of October 12, 2021: S18636 (replaces account # 888636)
      New Number to Call to Put Your System on Test: 1-855-794-0250
      Caller IDs for Calls from EM24 to Your Call List: (773) 777-0707 or (773) 725-0222
      NOTE: We suggest you save these numbers in your phone so it doesn't get flagged as a spam call.
      File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
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      Two line alpha numeric keypad

      The attached file is a scanned quick reference guide.
      File links will expire in 15 minutes. Refresh the page to access the files again.
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      Level one permission users

      Smith Cleaning
      Samuel Mock
      Drew Smith
      Janet Dumford
      Joe Brooks
      Kevin Moser
      Roger Williams
      Nicole McKenna
      Greg Fischer
      Michael Gaines
    If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us