Deacon Financial Policy - Assistance

Deacon Financial Policies

Deacon Fund Guidelines
  1. Any request for funds will be discussed between the Moderator, Treasurer, and the Assistant Treasurer. The request will also be presented to the Assistant Moderator in a non-voting, information capacity. The Care and Outreach Coordinator may also be included in the discussion/decision. Decisions on fund requests, may be made by the Treasurer without prior consultation of the Moderator and Assistant Treasurer if a delay would adversely affect the requester, but should be brought for discussion afterwards.
  2. Upon the second request for assistance from the Deacon Fund in a 12-month period, requesters will be required to meet with a CHPC member for financial counseling or budgetary purposes in conjunction with the monetary request.
  3. Funds are used to help CHPC members or regular attendees.
  4. The Treasurer will be empowered to perform due diligence in obtaining clarification ensuring that the allocation of Deacon Funds will be effective as a blessing to the requestor. For example:
    1. When a utility account is in arrears, the utility company should be contacted by the requester to put them on a payment plan. Payments will be made directly to the utility company.
    2. The landlord or mortgage company should be contacted to see if there is an eviction or foreclosure imminent, and any other needed information before payment is given. If foreclosure or eviction is pending, no payment will be made. Rent/house payment will be paid directly to the landlord or lender.
  5. There is a $1,000 maximum per twelve-month period for any individual.
  6. The requester will be given a list of agencies that provide assistance. Encourage requester to make contact to obtain additional aid, including Christ’s Community in College Hill if they are College Hill residents, when applicable.
  7. The Treasurer will also attempt to make contact with Christ’s Community in College Hill for requesters living in the College Hill area, to assess what help, if any, the requester has already sought there.
Prayer and praise cards are removed and offering is placed in the deposit bag for delivery to the secure deposit slot. The Co-Captain and one other person selected by the Captain will transport the deposit bag to the second floor secure deposit slot. The offering monies may never be alone with a single person.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us