Mass Text FAQ's

  1. 1

    What happens if someone replies to a Text Message (SMS)?

    • Text message responses are delivered as an email to the primary email address of the person who SENT the SMS.
      This allows you to easily ask for feedback if/when needed.
    • Note: If you reply directly to the email you receive, it is returned to the sender as a text message.
  2. 2

    Are there Text Message (SMS) subscription control words?

    The texting system allows members to use the following keywords to manage their Text Message (SMS) notifications.

    • "Start" → subscribe | resubscribe.
    • "Stop" → unsubscribes the recipient and sends an email to the mass text sender. This is also not reflected in the account but is visible to the cell number holder via control word codes. It is recommended to place these members in a group for tracking when the notification is received via email.
    • "Cancel" → will stop the subscription.
    • "StopAll" → stop any organization from using this number.
    • "Block" → mark this number as blocked.
    • "Help" → find the status of the subscription.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us