Opening Contemporary Worship Camera Operations and How to Use Them

After you have turned on the sanctuary balcony laptop you will need to open the PTZ camera controls.
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    Open Laptop and Login

    Log into the computer by using the numbers, 5742

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    Open PTZ Cameras

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    Log into PTZ Control Center

    I prefer to have this open on the left camera display. You can log into it using the following login info.
    Name: Admin
    Password: Admin
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    Getting into camera operation.

    Click on main to get the button at the top.
    Then click on which ever camera you want to control in that moment. 
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    (Unfinished) If The Cameras Are Not Connected/Showing

    Connecting the cameras is done over IP. This is done by...
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    Operating the Cameras

    Marked in red are camera controls (they work the same on both cameras)

    1. Pan/Tilt speed controls how fast the cameras move.
    2. Zoom slider controls how far the camera zooms, I don't recommend using this when the camera is actively showing on stream.
    3. The arrows in the pan and tilt move the camera in the direction of the arrows you have clicked. The camera will move at the pace set by the pan and tilt slider. 
    4. Presets are set to help you move the camera to desired angles quickly. Only use this when the camera is not showing online. 
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    Viewing the Cameras for Stream

    You can see the cameras here on the multiviewer to your left. Camera 1 is the middle camera and camera 2 is the side camera.
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    Selecting the Cameras The Switcher

    First, open this app... it may take a minute to show the digital switcher. 
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    The cameras can be selected using buttons one and two in the red area, this will cause an immediate change in what the viewer sees.

    If you want to preview the camera first simply push the camera buttons in the green area. Once you are ready to send that view to the viewers watching the stream push the buttons inside of the blue area.

    Cut: immediately changes the view.
    Auto: transitions to the new view using a blend.
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