Schedule an Event on Church Calendar

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    Create New Event

    Select +New Event box

    Select date and time of event

    Indicate if it is All Day
    Repeat Every
    Repeat on
        After ___ Occurrences
        On _________
    Form Fields
  2. 2

    Event Details

    Description - This box will show on the website or the church app when someone selects the event. Make sure that the event is fully described here. You can give links to more information or to a webpage.
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    Form Link

    If you have a sign-up associated with your event - here is where you link the form. This allows the picture associated with your event to show up on the calendar for the church app.

    Select your form
    Button Text - enter the text you want to see from the calendar to access the form.
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    Internal Notes

    These notes do not show on the calendar. This is a good place to enter contact information or pricing info or other information that you (or other staff) need to know about an event but that you don't want the general public to see.
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    Selecting properties tells simple church how to show this event on different calendar views or what gets sent to the website or other people's calendars.
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    Special Designations

    Child Care
    Contact Person
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    Indicate which rooms will be used for the meeting. 

    Remember, repeats may cause conflicts with other events. You cannot schedule the room if there is a conflict

    Needed from
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    This is to reserve the church van and/or trailer. This should go with the event as opposed to a separate reservation just for the van.
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us