Reports - Sessions
This report lists all of the sessions and their date, number present, number absent, number excused, and percentage accounted for. The "percentage accounted for" is the percentage of members who were present or excused, out of the total. 

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    Access the Sessions Report

    1.  Go to Reports → Attendance → Sessions.
    2. This will automatically show a list of all the attendance sessions created.

    To filter these results: 

    1. Click on the 3-dot icon at the top of the page on the right-hand side of the screen.
    2. Then select and click on Filter.




    1. A modal will appear at the top of the report allowing you to set filters for your Sessions list. Filter based on Group(s)Group ViewsStart Date, and End Date.




    1. Use the Submit button to apply the filters and revise the list.


    Instead of filtering, there is also the option to click through the pages seen at the bottom of the sessions list.



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    Edit a Session

    When using the default list, reviewing a filter list, or clicking through pages, there is the option to open each attendance session to view more information. The captured attendance session has a clickable name link which opens the details.




    Once the session is opened, there are a number of details available to see.




    The Total Present link under the 3-Dot Icon displays quick stats with total numbers for PresentUnexcused, and Visitors.




    There are a number of things that can be quickly done from the 3-Dot Icon.




    Use the Filter tools to find: a particular member(s), filter based on attendance status, and/or filter based on Group or Group Views.




    Use the Submit button to apply the filters and refine the list of names.

    Other options available in the 3-Dot Icon are:

    • Edit → update the attendance status or add/remove visitors at the bottom of the list.
    • Delete → Completely remove the Attenace Session from the database.

    IMPORTANT - this cannot be undone and will remove this information from the member's record.

    • Print This Report → Get a simple PDF (pre-formatted) report with this data.

    Other common functions are available through the 3-Dot Icon to complete further actions on this filtered member data.

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    Change the Visitor status in a Session

    Sometimes a person(s) may be missed when taking digital attendance. There is a process where the member(s) can be marked as having attended after the session is closed.

    1. Find the Session (Reports → Attendance → Sessions) and open the one needing the attendance updated.
    2. Use the 3-Dot Icon and Edit the session.
    3. Scroll to the bottom of the names listed and click the button to ADD VISITOR. Search and find the member, then click their name to be added to to the session.




    1. Once added as a Visitor, click the name which is a link to the Member's profile.
    2. Go to the Timeline tab.
    3. Click the text that says 'Visitor' and in the dropdown change the stats to 'Present.'
    4. This will update the session!



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