Church Safety Seminar Training Active Shooter

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    Seminar Notes by Greg Fischer

    October 2015

    Alan Rooney from Forest Chapel United Methodist Church on Sharon Road Springdale.
    Dennis B at Vineyard
    Presented by:
    Springdale Police Community Service Officer Joseph Ture 
    Police station: 513 346 5760
    Email jture@
    Office/voice mail 513-346-5530

    Wm Marshall Duke
    Pastor for Pastoral Care
    Springdale Church of the Nazarene
    11177 Springfield Pike
    Cincinnati, Ohio  45246
    Office:  (513)-771-3571, ext. 121
    Mobile: (513)-703-5706
    Fax:     (513)-771-3587
    email:  mduke@

    Rev. Daryl Blank, Senior Pastor
    Springdale Church of the Nazarene
    11177 Springfield Pike
    Cincinnati, Ohio  45246

    Ohio crime prevention association created the course which is 9 hr. This is shortened to 4 hr.

    House of Worship Crime Prevention

    Save a life, prevent a serious injury, protect child from sexual abuse, prevent theft of funds, protect reputation of place of worship leaders, prevent a costly lawsuit through due diligence and proper insurance.

    Church is no longer protected from lawsuits or charitable immunity.

    Many incidents are due to poor youth supervision, unsafe facilities. 

    Risk assessment
    Address problems of crime and law suites.

    Plan for fire
    Plan for alarm during services
    Plan for weather catastrophes with shelter areas clearly marked.

    Background check for staff who work with children.

    "two unrelated adults rule" in nursery

    An attorney attacks a lack of plans and procedure.  “Test of reasonable care”
    Have a sexual abuse plan.

    Law suite cost easily $50,000.00

    Policy procedure is a guideline

    People sue for any reason at any time

    Can’t assume that your church insurance will cover all of the costs so review your coverage.

    Liability limits and exclusions, we need to know these.

    Risk management
    Avoid risk - say no
    Control the risk - policy and procedures
    Transfer risk - certificate of insurance to another entity 
    Reduce the odds of being sued and improve the security and safety of all people using the facility. Make a policy for all events.

    2 of 5 churches have a risk management program in place

    Create written policies to safeguard various aspects of your organization.

    Guideline to work by for all employees

    1. Physical Security
    2. Personal Security
    3. Youth 
    4. Critical
    drunks, brake-ins, vandalism, robbery, one every 14.7 seconds in US.
    smash and grabs
    arson 1 of 4 are arson fires
    child abductions
    medical - heart attack, training

    Exterior Door markings
    Door 2-B or 2-E or 13
    Number rooms from outside on windows. 

    Man made emergencies
    Weapons in the church
    Mentally unstable persons are a risk. Often they are relatives in the church.
    Domestic violence in a church
    Active shooter will take their own life if confronted by a person with a weapon.

    Notify Staff member in charge of security. Call the police.
    Obey all demands and instructions
    Remain calm because panic will only make the situation worse.

    Don't confront someone with a weapon.

    Check with insurance company for safety and templates for procedure.
    They err on the side of the least liability. Only a guide line.

    3 major insurance companies insure most churches.

    If safety permits, flee the area.

    Direct to a safe location or go to lockable classrooms and offices.

    Install curtain on interior door windows.

    Do not leave secure room and be silent.

    Direct people with a pa system or voice fire alarm system.

    Lock doors by notification policy for all associated buildings (CCCH)

    Aggressors get tunnel vision in the situation and won’t hear a pa system.
    Aggressor has a mission, agenda, on a clock and knows it is limited.

    Policy on line search may only be a guideline. Don’t make it too specific.

    Symbol for no gun 

    No matter what happens on church property you will get sued.

    Police can also get tunnel vision. 

    What to do when a threatening or dangerous person who is not armed with a weapon enters the church during times of worship.

    Ohio can carry concealed weapon but not in a church. No signs on door = no CCW. training on weapon is not inept but not good or an expert. Minimum requirements.

    2923.126 Duties of licensed individual.
     A concealed handgun license that is issued under section 
     of the Revised Code shall expire five years after the date of issuance. A licensee who has been issued a license under that section shall be granted a grace period of thirty days after the licensee's license expires during which the licensee's license remains valid. Except as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, a licensee who has been issued a concealed handgun license under section 
    or2923.1213 of the Revised Code may carry a concealed handgun anywhere in this state if the licensee also carries a valid license and valid identification when the licensee is in actual possession of a concealed handgun. The licensee shall give notice of any change in the licensee's residence address to the sheriff who issued the license within forty-five days after that change.
     A valid concealed handgun license does not authorize the licensee to carry a concealed handgun in any manner prohibited under division (B) of section 
     of the Revised Code or in any manner prohibited under section 
     of the Revised Code. A valid license does not authorize the licensee to carry a concealed handgun into any of the following places:
     Any church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship, unless the church, synagogue, mosque, or other place of worship posts or permits otherwise;

    Security team can carry if session gives permission.  written form.

    No CCW advertises that no one will have a gun. Don't put up a sign. Ohio is open carry state. Target can prohibit entry to open.

    Sign "we are a gun toting church"

    Ultimately, people are responsible for their own personal safety.

    tdi of Ohio, Google this, he does training - ask for qualifications, experience,

    Some people may appear to have rebellious intentions but in reality have no such intentions.

    Speaking in toungs or animated with worship.

    Indicates danger for themselves or others call the police. Under the influence call every time. Remove to a private area. 

    De-escalate the situation - identify staff people who can help in the situation

    Stay calm always - ask why they are there. Don't disrupt the people.

    Office hours during the week. Don’t give cash but rather vouchers or prepaid credit cards. 

    Only one door to open with video or someone at the door to greet the person. 

    Greg, add more monitors for cameras now.

    Glass allows access to building with one round.

    Inner and outer perimeter of the church is the exterior walls.

    Follow active shooter on camera and call 911. 

    Camera in office areas

    Call 911 if a gun knife carrying person is in sight.

    Delegate a 911 caller. Don't assume. 

    Silent call buttons at all desks with alarm.  

    Community service officer works with businesses.

    Call 911 if a Stranger you are not comfortable with someone and don't know their intentions.

    Lock all exterior doors

    PAINT the interior of the church now!

    Turn off all lights if you are in hiding.

    Code words for emergency to share with congregation to announce an all clear. External buildings stay in the building.

    Outbursts of anger-adults are better at controlling anger than children

    Expressing frustrations in a non productive way

    Violent acts mental illness-family members who have mental illness may be hereditary and can escalate to violent.

    Attempt of suicide may commit violent acts. Have a safety net in place with someone close to the room. Ohio law allows for the police to a 72 hr hold on suicidal persons. Councilor or doctor can also do it. 

    At risk youth 

    Failing to follow societal rules-individuals  disregard the rules. They don’t have the same perceptions of behavioral limits as others. Varies with the individual.

    Crime prevention officer in police department. Makes recommendations to consider.

    Send two letters, one by regular mail and one by certified letter for a trespass warning? 

    sign up for no under the influence? apply for trespass. 

    Manage Critical Incidents
            before, during, after
    Shelter in place, evacuation, reunification issues.
            reunification site planned and announced
    Address specific events, shelter, PA system.

    Staff should know this.
    Work with the local police department to make the plan.

    Most injuries and damage occurs in the first 10 minutes. plan to respond to those first 10

    Plan in 3 ring binder in plastic document protectors. Index Staff responsibility Staff access to copies.
    Have them in multiple locations around facility.
    Review and update regularly.

    Write the manual in bulleted for, not paragraphed. Not wordy but simple.

    font 14 to 16

    Pre list critical phone numbers for all who would be called. 

    Write specific procedure for natural and man made disasters. 

    Environmental engineering staff. 

    Hazardous spill

    Training staff volunteers 
    Monitor weather report 

    Official investigation 

    PA system 

    Church speaker for media

    Recovery plan
    Off site
    Inventory of church
    Backup off-site

    Required only for fire
    Needed for storms or shooter
    Utility shout off
    Emergency valves, breakers marked and located. 

    Disaster supplies 
    Flash light batteries 
    Food water 
    Generators with Gasoline
    Spare cell. Phones 

    Fire or gas leak evacuation 
    First aid station

    Locate on floor plan

    Walkie talkies

    Regular campus inspections
    Trip hazard should be repaired or painted bright.
    Loose handrail

    Staff certification 
    Child management 
    Non traditional - on drugs- notice ccw
    Bump is feeling for a gun
    Suspected package identification
    Confidential excessive postage
    Misspelled words 
    Badly type 
    Protruding wires
    Sandy noise
    Crystals on wrappers 
    Rubber gloves
    Designated table 
    Hold to light 
    Use a catch box
    Call fire department of subspecies 
    Open from envelope bottom
    Not near window 
    Put suspected envelope in zip lock
    Don't put in drawer or closet
    1-10 bleach to sanitize only lasts 1 year

    Protests require permit 
    Criminal trespass Public right of way is 10-12’ from curb

    Ask to sit and silent
    Ask to leave then in violation 

    Lone wolf attack 
    2-3 persons at night
    Never close with one person 

    Organizable Protocol 

    Teams CSS security safety
    First aid

    Quality team members
    Meet regularly develop

    Support of session 
    FFAT elders deacons staff

    Servant leadership 
    Only takes 1 incessant to damage church

    Terminate employee
    1-8 theft
    1-100 sexual
    Team Members
    Risk management people are good to be on the team to do an assessment
    Goals for team 
    Qualifications respected adult honest 
    Coordinator doesn't have to be on the team. 
    Hierarchy in team
    Staff liaison 

    Weed out non qualified 
    At will ask to leave
    Vineyard has about 5 plain clothes police to mingle, uniformed in lot

    All is well to impart feeling

    Visual monitor
    Parking lot monitor with vest obviously 

    SECURITY in numbers
    Take the money to the bank with a second person.

    Team responsibilities
    Platform security near the stage

    Present while offering is taken and counted

    Team members can be dispensers of information such as location of Sunday school rooms , restrooms, sanctuary and other areas

    When should a service be disrupted?
    Information about restraining orders on parents and custodial rights for parents

    Children areas should be patrolled

    Belligerent or display assaultive behavior and refuse to leave the property when asked.

    Any immediate danger

    Team calling tree
    Team duties
    Facility floor plans
    2923.126 duties of licensed individual concealed handgun license
    Can’t carry into church unless the church  or other pace of worship unless it posts or permits.

    A knife can be in your pocket but if it is used as a weapon it is ccw and a crime.
    it’s not a weapon to peel an apple.

    Carry concealed weapon is a minor charge. Attempted assault is a felony

    5 security team for chpc
    3 for first 100 and 1 per each additional 100 

    “If it was my house i wouldn't let them in but a church does to minister to them."

    Escort any unknown suspicious visitor
    Cincinnati Police has a neighborhood liaison officer
    Organizational Protocol
If you still have a question, we’re here to help. Contact us