21.01 Groups or Organizations Utilizing CHPC Facilities or Property

All Groups or Organizations that are not directly Ministries of CHPC, that utilize CHPC facilities or property, and that can be expected to have contact with minors, must provide certification that:
  1. The Group or Organization has in place a Children and Youth and Protection Policy that complies with all current federal, state, and local laws and regulations, including child abuse reporting requirements
  2. The Group or Organization is in complete compliance with its Children and Youth Protection Policy, specifically regarding any of its employees or ministry partners that will be utilizing any CHPC facilities or property.
This certification must be in writing and signed and dated by the head of the Group or Organization, or by the Group or Organization leader requesting sponsorship through a CHPC office or Ministry Area to utilize any CHPC facilities or property. Such certification must be provided at the time of the request for sponsorship, or yearly at the time of the request for continuing sponsorship.
After determination has been made regarding the sponsorship status of the Group or Organization, the signed certification must be filed with the Finance/Human Resource Office for record keeping purposes and for safekeeping.
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