Set-up and Break Down on Day of Wedding
1Review Schedule and Checklist
Start the day by reviewing the detailed wedding schedule. Ensure you have a complete understanding of the timeline, key responsibilities and tasks for the day. Next, go through your checklist to confirm that all items, equipment, and supplies necessary for the set-up are available.
Coordinate with your team members and assign responsibilities based on the checklist items.
2Set-up Ceremony SiteSanctuary Set Up for Weddings
- The Communion Table should be lifted from the floor and placed in the center of the platform about 4 feet from the organ. There are wheels on the Communion Table, and it can be rolled in place once lifted to the platform. 7-Candle Standing Candelabras should be placed on each side of the Communion Table.
2. Two steps should be added to complete the set of steps after placing the Communion Table on the platform. Steps are found in the bell tower. The monitor should be disconnected and placed in the bell tower.
3. Candle holders (8) should placed on the pews with hooks on each side of the main aisle. Holders are hanging in the bell tower.
4. The two brass candlesticks and cross should be placed on the Communion Table. The matching wooden box should be used to elevate the cross (stored in Pastor Prep Room). The white tablecloth with gold embroidery (stored in Pastor Prep Room) should be used unless directed otherwise. New candles should be used in all candle holders. They can be found in the closet located in the Deacon’s room at the back of the sanctuary.
5. The podium is usually placed to the right on the platform. This may change based on preference.
6. Large podium to be placed in Narthex (foyer near Hamilton Avenue entrance) to the right of the doorway into the sanctuary.
7.Be sure all bathrooms in the Sanctuary/Ballet Studio/Prep Room are clean and have sufficient towels and toilet paper.
8. See Custodial Set-Up/Information Sheet for any additional instructions for Sanctuary, Ballet Studio (Bride’s room) or Prayer Room (Grooms’s Room).
9. After ceremony, reset the Sanctuary for Sunday service. Two individuals should move the Communion Table back to floor position, off the platform. Vacuum aisle and front of Sanctuary if necessary. Go through each pew removing any wedding bulletins/trash. Check Ballet Studio/Prayer room for trash or reset. If Bridal families have left anything behind, please notify Cathy Smith, CHPC Wedding Liaison (513-706-3211 cell/text).
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