SC | How to Lookup Parcel Rates

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      Navigate to the order you would like to see parcel rates for. Once there, click the Actions tab to bring down the drop-down menu and click the "Lookup Parcel Rates" button.

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      You will then be brought to this page. Please note, that you do not have to update any of these fields since the Ship To and Ship From fields, as well as the shipment weight are already auto-populated. Continue moving forward by pressing submit.

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      Here, you will be presented with the shipping rates.

      The Charged Freight Amount column is the only column we will take into consideration when viewing these rates since these include our discounts. The Published Freight amount column would be assuming they were not a customer of ours. 
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      Compare these rates to see what the most affordable option is. Then, notify the customer that this is the estimated shipping cost for that specific order (not including our markup).

      Note: ShipCalm's current markup is 18% - in case a customer ever asks what the specific percentage is on markup.