SC | How-To Create an Amazon FBA Replenishment Order in ShipStation
This process outlines 'How-To Create an Amazon FBA Replenishment Order in ShipStation'
ShipCalm Amazon Replenishment Process:
ShipCalm Amazon Replenishment Process:
- Customer places an order in ShipStation for the specific items and quantities you would like sent to Amazon
- Use the process below to learn how to create an FBA Replenishment order in ShipStation
- ShipCalm will use the ShipStation order to create or find the Shipment in your Amazon Seller Central (ASC)
- ShipCalm will pick and prepare the shipment to Amazon with the necessary product and case labels.
- ShipCalm will plan the shipment pick-up if LTL and ensure outbound small-parcel shipments are sent out via UPS, etc.
- ShipCalm will mark the order in ShipStation as shipped when the shipment has been picked up by Amazon or sent via small-parcel
2Navigate to the 'Orders' Tab
- Locate the 'Orders' tab on the top navigation bar
3'New Order' in 'FBA Replenishment' Store
After navigating to the 'Orders' page, confirm you are:- In the 'Awaiting Shipment' tab
- In the 'FBA Replenishment' store
Select 'New Order' in the 'FBA Replenishment' Store
4FBA Order - Store Information
Under the Order Summary Information, ensure that the Store selected is the 'FBA Replenishment Store'
5FBA Order - Recipient Information
FBA Replenishment Orders are Warehouse specific so BE SURE to input the correct warehouse information.Whiptail - California (CA) Warehouse Camby - Indiana (IN) Warehouse NAME
Enter the 'Customer Name' as the person that is inputting the order Enter the 'Customer Name' as the person that is inputting the order COMPANY FBA Replenishment FBA Replenishment ADDRESS
Add FBAReplenishment into the following field of the address: - Street Name
Add FBAReplenishment into the following field of the address: - Street Name
CITY Carlsbad Plainfield POSTAL CODE 92010 46168 STATE CA IN COUNTRY
United States United States PHONE NUMBER
Enter the phone number that you will like to be contacted at in case any questions arise Enter the phone number that you will like to be contacted at in case any questions arise EMAIL
Enter the email to receive updates on the order Enter the email to receive updates on the order NOTE
- By adding FBAReplenishment in the address field, it eliminates the possibility of creating a label and shipping the product when it is to be a replenishment order sent to Amazon
- Leave the address as FBAReplenishment as it will prompt our team to access your Seller Central Account in order to create the shipping plans for the replenishment order
- DO NOT input the Amazon warehouse address
6FBA Order - Order Information
Enter each SKU in the order followed by the quantity- Select the '+Add a Line Item' Button to begin adding SKUs
- Type in the SKU or Name of the item being added and hit enter
- ShipStation will search the products that are in your account under 'Products' and will auto-populate or offer a dropdown of the closest options
- Continue to add SKUs until all items in the order are entered
- Confirm the information is correct
- Confirm 'FBA Replenishment' is selected in the top right of the dialogue box
- NOTE: A unique order number will be auto-generated for the order; The Order # field can be left blank.
- Select 'Save Order'
7FBA Order - Confirm Order is Correct
Confirm the information is correct
Confirm 'FBA Replenishment' is selected in the top right of the dialogue box
NOTE - A unique order number will be auto-generated for the order; The Order # field can be left blank.SAVE
Select 'Save Order'
8Notify Customer Success ManagerOnce completed entering the order for Amazon FBA Replenishment, please notify your Customer Success Manager in order to ensure a smooth replenishment.
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