SC | Schedule a Pickup / Delivery Appointment (Appointlet)

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      Open the Appointlet Scheduler

      Use the below link to access the webpage to schedule a trucking and freight delivery appointment at our San Diego or Indiana Warehouse

      ShipCalm - Appointlet Scheduler
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      Select your Appointment Location / Type

      Following the on-screen prompts, please choose the selection that works best for your delivery.

      Location Options:
      • Indiana 
      • San Diego

      Appointment Options:
      • Dropoff: 7 am - 2 pm
        • 12 pm being last available appointment with 2-hour window
      • Pickup: 2 pm - 9 pm

      Note: The appointments are made using 2-hour windows from the time you have selected on the scheduler
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      What Appointment Option Best Fits?

      Which of the appointment options best fits your needs?

      Appointment Options:
      • Dropoff: 7 am - 12 pm 
        • 12 pm being last available appointment with 2-hour window
      • Pickup: 2 pm - 9 pm
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      Scheduling a Dropoff Appointment

      Follow the on-screen options for making a Dropoff Appointment

      Dropoff Appointments
      • Monday - Friday
      • 7 am - 2 pm
        • 12 pm being last available appointment with 2-hour window
      • MUST be input 48 hours prior to product arrival

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      Provide Dropoff Appointment Information

      Please provide all the information in the form in order for our team to properly receive the product in a timely and efficient manner.

      Email: Please provide the email that you would like to get notified of the calendar appointment

      Phone Number: Phone number of the person scheduling this appointment in the event we need to contact for appointment questions or rescheduling

      Scheduler Name: The name of the individual that is scheduling this appointment

      Carrier Name: The name of the carrier, courier or other transit company that will be delivery the product

      Owner of Goods: Your company name that is associated with the delivery of the product.

      BOL #: If you have the BOL #, please provide it for reference.

      PRO #: If you have the PRO #, please provide it for reference.

      Cargo Type: Please select the option that best fits the way the shipment and product will be arriving
      • If a container is floor loaded, please specify in the Additional Notes / Comments.

      Pallet Count: If applicable and you know the number of pallets will be helpful for ensuring speedy loading and unloading.

      Additional Notes / Comments: Please provide any additional details that you believe pertinent to this appointment.

      Select 'Continue' To Proceed
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      Schedule a Pickup Appointment

      Follow the on-screen options for making a Pickup Appointment

      Pickup Appointments
      • Monday - Friday
      • 2 pm - 9 pm
      • MUST be input 48 hours prior to product pickup

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      Provide Pickup Appointment Information

      Please provide all the information in the form in order for our team to properly receive the product in a timely and efficient manner.

      Email: Please provide the email that you would like to get notified of the calendar appointment

      Phone Number: Phone number of the person scheduling this appointment in the event we need to contact for appointment questions or rescheduling

      Scheduler Name: The name of the individual that is scheduling the appointment or picking up the product

      Carrier Name: The name of the carrier, courier or other transit company that will be picking up the product

      Owner of Goods: Your company name that is associated with the product being picked up.

      Cargo Type: Please select the option that best fits the way the shipment and product will be being picked up

      Pallet Count: If applicable and you know the number of pallets will be helpful for ensuring speedy loading and unloading.

      Additional Notes / Comments: Please provide any additional details that you believe pertinent to this appointment.

      Select 'Continue' To Proceed

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      Confirm Appointment Details

      After entering appointment information, follow the onscreen options to finalize and confirm the details associated with the product dropoff

      Details to Confirm:
      • Time
      • Meeting Type
      • Your Information

      Select 'Confirm Booking' to finalize the Appointlet booking appointment

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      Update our Support Team

      After completing and confirming the details associated with your Dropoff or Pickup Appointment, please reach out to our Customer Support Team in order to keep them updated on any and all deliveries or orders that ShipCalm may need to be aware of.
