SC | How-To Share an InfoPlus Smart Filter

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      Open / Login to InfoPlus

      Use the link below to log in to InfoPlus

      InfoPlus Login Page
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      Is there already a Smart Filter created?

      In order to share an InfoPlus Smart Filter there will first need to be a Smart Filter created.

      If you have not created an InfoPlus Smart Filter that outlines the specific criteria that you are looking to get a report with, one will need to be created in order to continue.
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      How-To Create an InfoPlus Smart Filter

      Use this process, which outlines How-To Create an InfoPlus Smart Filter.

      How-To Create an InfoPlus Smart Filter

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      Navigate to the Manage Smart Filter Table

      Manage Smart Filter Table

      On the Manage Smart Filter Table, you will see all of the Smart Filters that have either been created by your user or shared with your user.
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      Share a Smart Filter with Another User

      On the line of the Smart Filter that you are looking to share with another user, select the number bubble under the 'Shares' column on the table. In the dropdown window, you will see a 'Create New' option. Select the 'Create New' option.

      1. Select the number bubble under the 'Subscription' column on the table
      2. Select the 'Create New' option

      If you are already sharing the Smart Filter, there will be a list of users the Smart Filter is already shared with below.

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      Add the Necessary Users to the Shared Smart Filter

      Once the Create New has been selected a pop-up window will show you all of the users you can share the Smart Filter with. Add all of the necessary users one at a time until all users are added.

      Once added, the Smart Filter will be accessible to the user after they log out of InfoPlus and Log back in.
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