SC | Add a WooCommerce Account in ShipStation

    Follow these steps within WooCommerce to get started!

    1. Download the ShipStation Integration plug-in to your computer
    2. In your WordPress Admin dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New. Here, click on the Upload link and select the plug-in zip file from your local computer and then click Install Now.
    3. Activate the new extension by clicking the link on the installation page or through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
    4. Within your WordPress Admin dashboard, navigate to the WooCommerce menu, then Settings > Integration.
    5. Copy the Authentication Key from WooCommerce and paste it below.
    6. Navigate to Settings > Advanced > REST API then click the Add Key button
    7. Follow the instructions found here to create a key with Read/Write permissions for a user that has access to your store information and then click Generate API Key
    8. Locate your Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.
      • You will use these to complete the set up within ShipStation (Steps Below)
    1. 1

      Open and Log in to ShipStation

    2. 2

      Navigate to 'Selling Channels'

      1. Open ShipStation Settings - Wrench Icon in Upper Right
      2. In the Shipping tab, locate 'Selling Channels'
      3. Select 'Store Setup'

    3. 3

      Select 'Connect a Store or Marketplace'

      On the Store Setup page, select 'Connect a Store or Marketplace'

    4. 4

      Select 'WooCommerce'

      Here is where all of the selling channels and marketplaces are listed that can be connected to ShipStation.

      Select the option for 'WooCommerce'

    5. 5

      Follow On-Screen Instructions

      Follow the instructions on the screen in order to complete the process.

      You will be prompted to log in to your WooCommerce account and download the ShipStation Plug-In to retrieve the necessary information.

      Necessary Steps and Information:
      1. Add ShipStation Plug-In to WooCommerce
      2. Authentication Key
      3. Consumer Key
      4. Consumer Secret
      5. Store URL
      6. Confirm Statuses from WooCommerce Match
        • Standard (Common) Status Setup
          • Awaiting Payment Status = Pending
          • Awaiting Shipment Statuses = Processing
          • Shipped Status = Completed
          • Cancelled Status = Cancelled
          • On-Hold Status = On-Hold

      Select 'Connect'

      ShipStation WooCommerce Plug-In Link

    6. 6

      Additional Questions?

      Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager to help clarify any steps in this procedure.
