SC | How To Create an Order in InfoPlus

    Required Fields:
    • LOB
    • Warehouse
    • Customer
    • Line Items
    • Carrier
    • Warehouse Service Type 
    Optional Fields:
    • First/Last Ship Date
    • Order Source

    1. 1

      Log in to InfoPlus and Navigate to Order Table

      Log in to InfoPlus. From the dashboard, press the period key ".", type in order and press enter.

    2. 2

      Click Create New Button

      In the top right corner, click on the Create New button.

      Note: If the button is grayed out, please reach out to the Tech Team to update permissions to allow order creation. 

    3. 3

      Enter in Required Fields Marked with Red Asterisk

      The following fields will need to be entered before it can be saved into the system:

      • LOB
      • Warehouse
      • Customer
      • Line Items
      • Carrier

    4. 4

      Enter LOB Name

      In the LOB field, type the Customer name.


    5. 5

      Enter the Warehouse Name

      In the warehouse field, enter the warehouse name the order will be shipping from.


    6. 6

      Enter the Ship To Customer

      When entering the Ship To customer information, there are two options:
      • Search a previously created customer
      • Add a new customer

      To search a previously created customer, click on the Search button. This will bring up a window with all the customer saved in our system for the specific LOB. The search field can be used to narrow down the results. 

      To create a new customer, click on the Add button. The required fields will be marked with a red asterisk.

      Required Fields:
      • Customer No - It is recommended to click the Auto button on the right side of the field to have a customer number automatically generated.
      • Name - This can be the business name or an individuals name. For wholesale orders, it is recommended to list the business name under Name and an individuals name under Attention.
      • Street - The street address for a business or individual. The Street 2 field can contain any Unit/Apt/Suite/Building numbers.
      • City
      • State - this is not marked as required to create a customer, but is requried to ship the order.
      • Country - Autopopulates to United States but can be changed.

      • Phone
      • Email
      Note: While these are not required, this information can be useful for LTL shipments and sometimes small parcel shipments when drivers need to reach out to the receiver.

    7. 7

      Enter Line Items (SKUs) for the Order

      To add the SKUs to the order, click on the Add button next to Line Items and a window will open. 

      • If there will be mutliple SKUs added to the order, start by checking the Add Another box at the bottom of the window.
      • In the SKU field, type in the SKU name and hit enter.
      • In the Order Quantity field, enter the amount you would like to send.
      • Click Okay at the bottom and the Add Line Item window will reopen to continue adding SKUs and their respective quantities. 
      • Once the last SKU and Quantity has been selected, uncheck the Add Another box at the bottom and hit OK. The window will close and return you to the Create New Order screen.

    8. 8

      Enter the carrier

      The carrier field helps the fulfillment team know how they should prepare this order. 

      If the order is intended to ship via Small Parcel (USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL) you can type the carrier name into the field and a list of services will be brought up for each one. 

      If the order is intended to ship via LTL (Palletized Shipments) you can type in LTL and two options will be returned:
      • LTL Booked by ShipCalm - ShipCalm is responsible for the booking of a carrier to collect the shipment
      • LTL Booked by Customer - The LOB is responsible for the booking of a carrier to collect the shipment and will require the fulfillment team to send pallet count, weights, and dimensions. The LOB in return will provide an expected pickup date as well as any necessary documents such as the Bill of Lading (BOL), Commercial Invoice (CI), Shipper's Letter of Instruction (SLI), Pallet Labels, and any specific Packing Lists to attach to the pallets.

      If the LOB will be providing the shipping labels and attaching them to the order, enter in Use Provided Labels. This lets the fulfillment team know to check the files section on the order for labels. 

    9. 9

      Enter Warehouse Service Type

      This field is not marked as required when creating a new order, however, it is important to set the correct Warehouse Service Type so that the order appears on the appropriate team's filters. If an order is created and does not have the appropriate Warehouse Service Type, this can lead to delays, missing required shipping compliance, or being shipped incorrectly. If there are any questions regarding what the correct Warehouse Service Type might be for an order, please reach out to a ShipCalm team member for clarification.

    10. 10

      Enter Optional Fields

      There are some optional fields that can be filled out to provide extra information to the fulfillment teams but are not necessary to save the order. 

      • First Ship Date
      • Last Ship Date
      • Order Source

      The First and Last Ship Date fields inform the team of the valid date range that they are able to ship an order to avoid early or late arrivals. 

      The Order Source field informs the team where the order originated from and what compliance might be required to fulfill the order. Order Sources can have a default Warehouse Service Type applied to it so that whenever the Order Souce is selected the Warehouse Service Type will automatically be updated. This ensures the proper team has awareness of the order. 
    11. 11

      Click the Save Button when Finished

      Once all required fields have been filled out you can click on the Save Button at the bottom to finalize the order.

      If the button is grayed out, then there is a required field that is missing information. 

      Once the Save button has been clicked, it will enter a Pending status. While in this status the order cannot be edited/modified or processed for fulfillment until the system has finished storing a record of the order. This can sometimes take up to 10 minutes. Once the order record has been stored it will move to an On Order status where it can be edited/modified or processed for fulfillment.