Strategic objectives- To define the key problems of recruitment and retention of women in the specialty of Gastroenterology
- To examine key areas of underrepresentation within Gastroenterology
- To raise awareness of challenges facing women in Gastroenterology
- To provide an environment in which female Gastroenterologists hold senior leadership roles, in their careers and within the Society
- To support the established coaching and mentoring scheme within the BSG
- To launch time-specific projects with measurable outcomes, in keeping with the Committees’ aims and to develop professional collaborations nationally and internationally
- To establish an annual SWiG conference open to all BSG members, to facilitate the above
Membership and eligibility- Membership of the Committee is open to both male and female BSG members at all stages of their career and will be via established BSG election process
- The section committee must have a minimum of 4 members and a maximum of 12. The Committee will comprise a Chair and further members to include a minimum of 2 LTFT representatives, 2 trainees, 2 Consultants, 1 Staff Grade Doctor and 1 academic gastroenterologist, with the remaining places open to all BSG members
- The Committee will be responsible for ensuring that the section meets its strategic objectives
- The appointment term for committee members is for 3 years
- The Chair will be elected from the membership of the committee and will serve 3 years
- The Chair is able to co-opt members to join the committee with the approval of the Exec. Co-opted members will be task and time-limited
Meeting arrangementsMeetings (both face-to-face and by teleconference) will be deemed quorate if at least 50% of the committee can attend