Concussion Procedures

All coaches, staff, and volunteers associated with the SPBA's internal teams and programs, including the Sharks, will undergo training on the concussion guidelines. This includes recognition of concussion symptoms, immediate action steps, and the graded return-to-sport (GRTS) framework.
  1. 1

    Concussion Identification

    If a player shows signs of a concussion during any SPBA endorsed activity, including games, training sessions, or other events, they must be immediately removed from play by the team's staff, adhering to the principle "If in doubt, sit them out."

    If a player has a forceful blow to anywhere in the body where they are not quite themselves they should be assumed to have a concussion and removed from the activity immediately.
  2. 2

    Initial Assessment

    Perform an initial assessment using the symptoms as described in the Signs & Symptoms of Concussion. This step is crucial for determining the immediate next steps and whether emergency medical attention is needed.

  3. 3

    Immediate referral to emergency department

  4. 4

    Refer to healthcare practitioner as soon as practical

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    Concussion Form Submission via QR Code

    Locate the SPBA-provided QR code available:

    • At the venue front desk or canteen

    • On the SPBA website

    Use a smartphone to scan the QR code, which will direct to an online Concussion Reporting Form. Fill out the form with details of the incident, the player's condition, and any immediate actions taken. This form is designed to:

    • Log the incident with the SPBA.
    • Automatically notify the player's club (if applicable) and the SPBA's Concussion Officer.
    • Send an email with relevant concussion management information and guidelines to the participant or their guardian.
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    Monitoring and Documentation

    The SPBA will provide the SPBA's Concussion Protocols to the player and/or their family. The person/s should seek further medical advice.

    If medical advice has diagnosed a concussion, the concussion protocols should be followed. The onus is on the player and/or their parents/guardians to abide by the protocols if a concussion has occured.
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    Gradual Return to Play

    Once cleared by a healthcare professional, the player must follow a graded return-to-play protocol, beginning with a period of being symptom-free for 14 days, and not returning to contact competition for a minimum of 21 days post-injury. The SPBA will oversee the graded return to play, ensuring the player does not resume full contact activities prematurely.

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    Clearance and Return to Competition

    Obtain final medical clearance for the player to resume full contact competition. This clearance must be documented and submitted to SPBA.

    The SPBA Concussion Officer will review and approve the clearance documentation before the player is allowed to participate in full contact competitions within SPBA's internal teams and programs.