Volunteer/Waiver SOP

Updated 6/26/23

Board Policy:  6:250

Tracking Template Example
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    Volunteer Opportunity

    Parent/Volunteer is interested in volunteering within the school community (on school grounds and/or in front of students in an off campus activity).

    Ex:  Field Trip, Reading Buddies, Materials Preparation, PTO volunteers, etc.
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    Volunteer Form/Waiver

    Staff member (teacher, clerical, admin) provides the form (Spanish Form) to the parent/volunteer to complete and to return to the school office before they plan to volunteer.

    Form needs to be returned a week in advance to ensure the protocol listed here is followed before the volunteer opportunity.
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    Website/Registry Review

    Designated staff member (clerical) reviews the registry/databases to ensure there are no documented areas of concern (sex offender status, etc.) and signs off and dates the document.

    If there are noted areas of concern or potential concern those are brought to administration immediately prior to the parent/volunteer being allowed to be in front of students/on school grounds.
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    Admin Review

    Building principal or designee reviews the form and completes the bottom section of the form that states the review date, person, and signature.
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    Forms need to be housed in the main office and are only valid for one school year.

    If a staff member is unsure if a parent/volunteer has filled one out, the staff member needs to check with the office and if a form is not on file, one needs to be sent to the given volunteer.
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