Our section committees are elected by the membership of that section to represent them. They drive the work of the sections. They work closely with respective Clinical Research Groups. They also develop part of the programme at the Annual Conference each year, identifying topics of value and inviting speakers. There are 15 Section Committees. Check what they are here
The BSG is not able to run unplanned events or other projects outside its annual budget. Each autumn, budgets are agreed with the BSG office for the year ahead. Your committee support officer will be able to advise of a specific timetable for this. Each section is able to run a monothematic event every 3 years.
When considering running an event, or other project, please ensure there are no clashes with other national or regional events, and avoid any religious holidays or other dates of significance. The office can advise on suitable dates.
Face to face events should be planned at least 9 months from the proposed date, with faculty invited and the programme shared with the office for marketing 6 months before the planned date of the event. Virtual events should have 6 months notice, with the programme shared 3 months before the events. The office team can support with finding venues and marketing, as well as industry relationships.
The BSG can support with interactions with industry, and to ensure we are offering a consistent, compliance experience for industry partners, request that the BSG office be involved in all discussions with industry relating to sponsorship.
Our full industry interactions policy can be found here: sweetprocess.com/policy/aWBbfdGb/bsg-industry-...
Key BSG policies and documents, such as BSG’s rules and regulations and the expenses policy can be found here: bsg.org.uk/about/governance-documents-an...
The BSG’s strategy documents can be found here: bsg.org.uk/about/governance-documents-an...
If you have any queries, please contact your committee support officer in the first instance.
Here is a reminder of some of the benefits of being a BSG member:
Access to BMJ Journals: bsg.org.uk/members-area/journals/
Access to awards, bursaries and grants: bsg.org.uk/knowledge-hub/awards-bursarie...
Wellbeing resources: bsg.org.uk/wellbeing-resources/
Mentoring platform: bsg.org.uk/bsg-mentoring-registration/
Membership directory: bsg.org.uk/memebers-area/directory/
Apply for other committee positions across the BSG: bsg.org.uk/about/bsg-elections-and-appoi...
Discounts to BSG events: bsg.org.uk/events/list/