How to Format a Blog Post

A step-by-step procedure for formatting a new blog post.
  1. 1

    Open Microsoft Word

    Click on the Start button in Windows. Type in "word", and click on "Microsoft Office Word". Wait for the program to load.

  2. 2

    Write the Blog Post

    Begin writing the new blog post. Put the title at the top, and use section headings to make the post easily scan-able.

  3. 3

    Set the Font of the Entire Post to Arial

    Either highlight all of the text with your mouse, or hit Ctrl+A on your keyboard to select all of the text. Choose the "Arial" font from the toolbar (usually at the top right hand side of Microsoft Word). The default font is typically "Times New Roman" or "Calibri". Select Arial from the drop-down menu while the text is still highlighted. Once done, double check to make sure all of the text in the document has changed to the new font.

  4. 4

    Set the Font Size of the Title to 12 pt

    By default, all of the text in your document should be 12 pt. Double check to make sure the font size of the title is still 12 pt.

  5. 5

    Set the Font Size of the Body to 10 pt

    Highlight all of the text in the document except for the title. Set the font size for this section to 10 pt. The drop-down menu is located on the toolbar next to the font drow-down menu.

  6. 6

    Bold the Headings

    Highlight one section heading at a time and bold it. You can either do this by hitting Ctrl+B while the text is selected, or you can click on the B in the toolbar next to the font size drop-down menu.

  7. 7

    Set the Paragraph Spacing After to 12 pt

    Click on "Format", and then click on "Paragraph". Under "Spacing", look for "After:". Click on the up arrow to increase the spacing to 12 pt. Then click "OK".

  8. 8

    Bold Important Points

    Bold the most important points in your blog post. Select the text you want to bold, and hit Ctrl+B or click on the B in the toolbar next to the font size drop-down menu.

  9. 9

    Italicize Text to Emphasize

    If you have any words that you want to emphasize, italicize them. Select the text you want to emphasize and hit Ctrl+I, or click on the I in the toolbar next to the B for bolding. Use italics to emphasize words within a sentence. If you mention a book or literary work, the title should be italicized.

    Your post is now ready to be copied and pasted into WordPress.