Book a car on goget at the daily rate

  1. Log into your account

    The account is at:
  2. Start booking time

    Select the start time for your booking by clicking on the "Green Man" at the hour your booking should start.

    A new page should load showing your booking details. It will default to a "2 hour" booking
  3. Book a full 24 hours (or at least 9 hours)

    Select the same hour in the next day. Then select "book it"

    Don't worry, this doesn't actually book. You'll be shown a confirmation screen first.

    Hours past midnight are free until 7 in the morning. These hours don't count toward your 9 hour total.
  4. Check the estimated total cost

    The cost is highlighted in pink. It should match one of the plans listed below.

    According to their rate page (Nov 2012):

    All plans have 150km included.
    $79 - go starter
    $71 - go occasional
    $68 - go frequent
  5. Click "confirm"

    If the estimated total cost matches your plan's daily rate, you will be charged the daily rate with included kms. If the cost doesn't match, then you aren't being charged the daily rate - and will pay a per km fee.

    To finalise booking and agree to be charged money:

    Click "confirm"

    Unfortunately because the bookings are so long (9 hours +) there may be someone else's booking blocking yours (you will get the error shown in the screenshot). In that case, try to reduce the hours closer to 9 hours or pick another car