- It will be the responsibility of the regional representative and their deputy to bring together the local clinical networks in order to:
- Update members on the key clinical priorities of the CSSC at local Gut club meetings, via email circulars, social media or other informal networks.
- Encourage the nomination of individuals to act as local BSG clinical representatives at each hospital who could then report back to the regional rep on CSSC priorities and key clinical governance issues.
- Advise on the quality and scale of gastroenterological and hepatological services including workforce (e.g. appointments/ expansion plans, estate), service development and key clinical governance issues that are part of the CSSC priorities, such as 7-day services and 24/7 bleed services.
- Report to CSSC on local/ regional issues to update the Society’s understanding of mapping of services.
- Comment on draft BSG guidelines
- The role of Royal College of Physicians (RCP) Regional Specialty Adviser (RSA) has been devolved from the RCP to the BSG regional representative. Roles of the RSA include:
- Advising the RCP on matters such as Consultant job descriptions and suitability of candidates for Fellowship of the College.
- May be asked to review/ approve job descriptions on behalf of RCP
- May be asked, or nominate others, to sit on Consultant Appointment Committees.
- Other matters as determined from time to time by the region concerned or by BSG Council or CSSC.