Top 10 ProcessKit Alternatives for a Better Business Process Management Experience

Last Updated on March 13, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo

processkit alternatives article

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Process management software assists you in identifying, assessing, documenting, and managing processes in IT and the organization as a whole. What happens if a program does not deliver across the board?

ProcessKit is one of the many process management tools out there, but there are several key process management needs that it does not meet. Hence the desire, and search, for a better alternative.

In this article, you’ll find a list of the top 10 ProcessKit alternatives you should consider.

But if you would rather get a direct suggestion than spend time comparing alternatives, then check out SweetProcess. It’s the best process management alternative on this list, and that’s not because we built it, but because it has successfully helped thousands of organizations manage their processes and procedures better over the years—forty thousand users cannot be wrong.

Don’t take our word for it though—try it for yourself. Try SweetProcess for FREE for 14 days. No credit card needed!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Why You Need a ProcessKit Alternative

Chapter 2: What Are the Top ProcessKit Alternatives?

Chapter 3: How to Choose the Right ProcessKit Alternative for You

Chapter 4: How SweetProcess Can Help You Better Manage Your Processes and Procedures

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Chapter 1: Why You Need a ProcessKit Alternative

why you need a processkit alternative

When you adopt a process management tool, one of the more difficult and ineffective aspects of running a business becomes easier and instantly effective. However, ProcessKit does not make the procedure as smooth and seamless as it should be.

According to reviewers, ProcessKit does not meet all the process management needs of a modern-day business.

For example, a reviewer claims that setting ProcessKit up takes too long and is easier for those experienced in creating and managing processes.

Another review confirms this when the reviewer stated that ProccessKit took their team a little getting accustomed to before they could start reaping its benefits.

These and more reviews show that ProcessKit is not an easy-to-use software since it has a learning curve and requires familiarity with the program before it gets a little easier to use. 

There are key benefits that a business process management should not miss, yet ProcessKit is missing them. A good process management tool should be understandable to first-time users. In the process of trying to get familiar with ProcessKit, teams could make several errors, thereby defeating the purpose of a process management tool in the first place.

A host of important project management tool features are missing from ProcessKit. For example, ProcessKit does not have cost-to-completion tracking, a timeline view, or idea management.

Without cost-to-completion tracking, a business does not know when they’re going over budget. And if an admin and team members cannot view the timeline of processes and procedures in real time, they will have no idea of how far they have come. As a result, the company risks financial difficulties and task management issues.

These necessitate the need for ProcessKit alternatives.

Chapter 2: What Are the Top ProcessKit Alternatives?

top processkit alternatives

How do other process management software perform across the board? Do they deliver where ProcessKit does and does not? Which of these pieces of software are the best alternatives to ProcessKit?

These are the questions that will be answered in this section.

There are several dozen programs out there that have made claims to be suited to handling processes and procedures; many have been found lacking in too many ways to be trusted. To reduce the effort of the decision-making process, here is a carefully compiled list of ProcessKit alternatives.

1. SweetProcess


SweetProcess not only helps you document your processes and procedures, it helps you simplify the process. It takes away the worries and problems of properly documented and streamlined processes and procedures, especially repeat ones. With SweetProcess, onboarding new clients, as well as employees, is easier than ever.

Whether you manage a team or you’re hiring your first employee, SweetProcess gives you the systemization you need to scale and grow your business.

SweetProcess offers a range of features designed to help you:

  • Document procedures: Using SweetProcess, you can document the procedures and processes that your team(s) need to effectively function. And when all your tasks are in a central system, there are fewer emails and uncertainty.
document procedures
  • Implement policies: SweetProcess assists you in creating, sharing, and ensuring the correct implementation of your company’s rules. Having the correct rules in place is critical for upholding standards and protecting your organization.
implement policies
  • Master processes: Using SweetProcess, you can create, work together on, and improve processes to help your business develop.
master processes
  • Manage tasks: Keep up to date by tracking recent activities or looking back in the history of any task or operation.
manage tasks
  • Create a public or private knowledge base: Make a knowledge base out of your existing procedures and regulations for your staff or clients.

Your knowledge base includes search, feedback forms, tracking, and more!

knowledge base

Step-by-Step: How to Create a Procedure on SweetProcess

There are many things you can do with SweetProcess, but here’s a quick walk-through of how to create a procedure on SweetProcess.

  1. To create a procedure, log into your SweetProcess account and click the “Create Procedure” button.
  2. Add a title to your procedure. This will make finding it later easy.
add title to procedure
create procedure
  1. Add the procedure to your team, or multiple teams.
add procedure to team
  1. Continue making your procedure.
  1. Add a description to your process to further explain it.
  2. By making use of a tag, you will be assigning an index keyword/phrase/term to a procedure so that it can be quickly identified.
making use of tags
  1. Add a step to your process to begin.
add a step
  1. Add title and description to the step.
add title and description to the step
  1. You have images? Add them too. You can even add videos, links, etc.
add videos, links, etc
  1. Save the draft before adding another step.
save the draft
  1. Click on “Add a Step” to add a new step.
  2. Repeat 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 until a ll the steps are added.
  3. Are you finished? Approve it.
approve it
  1. And if you don’t have that permission or authority, request approval.
request approval
  1. You’re all set. To check out your procedures, just click on “Procedures.”
check your procedures


SweetProcess offers a unique payment plan where you get charged only for members of your team who are using the software. There are no levels of membership or multiple pricings; all the features are available on the singular subscription plan they offer.

Signing up on SweetProcess costs $99/month for a team with up to 20 active members, with an additional $5 for every new member added. On the yearly subscription plan, there is a 16% discount, bringing the cost down to $82.50 per month and $4.17 for every new member added.

However, SweetProcess does not keep charging for non-functional members. You are alerted when a member becomes inactive and are no longer charged for their membership on your subscription.

There is a free 14-day trial which you can sign up for, without a credit card, here. You can even use this live demo to get a feel for SweetProcess before you sign up.


What are the benefits of managing your processes and procedures with SweetProcess?

  • SweetProcess is easy to use.
  • Little to no learning curve—jump right in and start managing your processes immediately.
  • Fully supports remote working.
  • Has a transparent pricing and billing system.
  • Excellent support and customer service.
  • All features are easy to learn.
  • The software is adaptable to virtually any type and size of business.

All these benefits and more make SweetProcess an ideal alternative to ProcessKit. Click here to sign up for a no-obligation 14-day free trial of SweetProcess now.

Considering SweetProcess already? Here is a case study to help you make a more informed decision.

TechQuarters and the Tribal Knowledge Problem

TechQuarters instructs organizations on how to use cloud technology to their advantage using their training methods and solutions. Every team member has access to the processes and procedures that keep the organization running efficiently on a centralized system.

How Were Things at TechQuarters Before SweetProcess?

Information was made available to employees manually under the tribal knowledge system that existed before the implementation of SweetProcess.

As their company grew, they realized that tribal knowledge was causing more harm than good for them. It was obvious that having all of their business processes and procedures in a centralized system accessible to everyone on their team would improve their results.

They discovered SweetProcess during their search for the ideal tool for the job. They were able to not only evenly distribute knowledge among their team members, but they were also able to create a more efficient workforce.

SweetProcess’s adaptability was difficult to overlook. It provided them with the opportunity to consolidate various disparate elements for improved operations.

The team was pressed for results, and so were eager for SweetProcess to deliver. And they weren’t disappointed. SweetProcess assisted the team in documenting useful processes and procedures. They were able to construct thorough and easy-to-use processes and procedures using the system’s documentation features, which staff were eager to utilize because they made their jobs easier.

As Mark O’Dell, operations director at TechQuarters says of SweetProcess, “What you find is that something will go wrong, and we look back then and one of the teams will say, could we add this to SweetProcess? Because if this had been done, I wouldn’t have had this problem further down the line, and each individual would look at it and go, ‘oh yeah, great.’ And the next time around, problem solved, because we do this extra step in the process.” 

SweetProcess helped TechQuarters document their processes such that a new employee could work with an existing customer without issues. This is because they had a central knowledge base with all the necessary information.

These and other improvements led to one major thing: customer satisfaction. As TechQuarters functioning improved with SweetProcess, so did their customer satisfaction. It was easy to avoid making repeated small mistakes that could repel customers. They could focus on satisfying the customer in bigger ways. 

Training new employees also became seamless; all the information was there. This also meant existing employees could take on new responsibilities just as easily.

Using SweetProcess, TechQuarters has been able to streamline their processes and procedures and can pursue their goal of doubling their business within the next few years.

2. Metatask

metatask features

Metatask defines standard operating procedures as repeatable, executable operations. Without the aid of IT, you can automate any repetitive task that you handle routinely in a matter of hours, from a straightforward purchase request to a complex loan approval workflow.


features of metatask

Here are some of the features of Metatask:

  • You get access to process templates.
  • The approval process for workflows is streamlined.
  • You can review processes and tasks.
  • There is a dashboard for your processes.
  • You can set a deadline for each task in the process.
  • You have a calendar for your business.
  • There is an inbox for in-task communication.
  • Tasks can be nested within tasks.
  • You can set conditions on processes.
  • You can set tasks to “Private” and delegate them as you want.


Metatask costs $6/month for each user, and you can have a minimum of five users. They also offer a free trial.


  • All processes are displayed in a single list, and each process has a detailed progress bar that allows you to track individual tasks as well as late and unassigned jobs.
  • You can build more complex processes by using layered tasks and files.
  • Has a wide variety of form fields, such as the user selector, money, and number fields.
  • Offers in-task and procedure-level, real-time chat.
  • You can communicate within the procedures in real time, generate process reports, form data, tasks and export them as Excel and CSV files.
  • Allows for role-based access and security controls.


  • No support for guest users—you can’t add guests.
  • The software has no open API.
  • No support for scheduled processes.

3. Process Street

process street

Process Street is a simple, free, and effective solution for your team to organize recurring checklists and processes. In order to create efficient no-code workflows, they help teams share their fundamental processes.

Process Street helps to meet organizational demands, from onboarding new employees to tenant screening, content approval, and customer deployment.

process street collaboration


  • Process Street offers tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • There are customizable templates.
  • Prioritization of tasks is allowed.
  • You can manage each task.


Process Street uses a freemium pricing structure where you can use the software for free for basic features, but upgrade to get access to advanced features.

The Pro package is $25 per full member per month, while the Enterprise package attracts a custom pricing.


  • You can use repeat templates and standardized processes.
  • You can check the progress on your timeline, using the overview view.
  • It is easy to modify and tailor the provided checklists to meet your specific requirements.
  • The overview view can display a progress timeline.
  • Provides multiple support options.
  • There is a mobile version for iOS.


  • The software is pricey.
  • The roles and permissions are not detailed enough for different levels of users.
  • Its user interface is non-friendly, especially the inbox where it is easy to lose messages and data.
  • Has complex conditional programming.

4. ProcedureFlow

procedureflow business procedures

Business procedures are simpler to follow with ProcedureFlow. It helps to replace the 200-page manual that nobody reads with simple, enjoyable standard operating procedures. When your employees can think like experts, they are able to use short, hyperlinked flowcharts to express sophisticated standard operating procedures. Thus, training and mentoring are reduced by 50–90% using the flows.


  • Admins can customize access controls and permissions.
  • You get alerts and notifications.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration on the software.
  • You can drag and drop templates.
  • There are reporting and analytic tools.
  • You can integrate third-party applications.
  • Allows for effective workflow management.


ProcedureFlow offers a free trial, after which you pay $25/member per month for the Team package or get a custom pricing for the Enterprise package.


  • ProcedureFlow is easy to use.
  • It allows for fast collaborative work by quickly updating new information.
  • If you encounter problems using the software, there is an easily accessible support system to help you out.
  • Flexible software.


  • The software has no autosave.
  • Does not allow you to print information off screen; users have to login to access standard operating procedures.
  • Creating new procedures can be tedious.

5. Trainual

trainual processes

Every procedure, rule, and standard operating procedure for every duty is put in one place. With Trainual you can reduce your training and onboarding time, and facilitate knowledge transfer as you grow your business.


trainual org chart

Here are the features of Trainual:

  • Trainual is used to train staff.
  • You can train staff independently.
  • You can create e-learning content directly in the system.
  • Has a built-in LMS (learning management system).
  • Offers business process control.
  • You can earn certificates and licenses on the software.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • Great for content management.
  • Discussions and forums can be held on the software.
  • You can export documents in various formats.


Trainual offers three packages:

  1. Build: 5 members at $49/month, with no additional members.
  2. Train: $99/month for 10 members. Additional members attract an extra $3/month.
  3. Scale: $199/month for 20 members. Additional members cost $4/month each. 


  • Trainual offers training podcasts and virtual classes.
  • You can categorize training according to the needs of each member of the team.
  • The software makes it easy to train and certify your employees and team members.


  • Trainual is costly.
  • It is also time-consuming to use.
  • Information update is not immediate or streamlined.
  • There is a slight level of inconvenience while navigating the software.

6. Process Bliss

process bliss
process bliss workflow

Process Bliss helps to eliminate disorder in your organization with a simple approach. You can begin with onboarding, maintenance, delivery, approvals, or recruitment as needed, with a timestamped audit record for compliance. Create drag-and-drop process flowcharts in minutes and use them as simple team checklists. All processes, policies, and procedures have a single home that is accessible from anywhere on any device.


process bliss features

Here are some features of Process Bliss:

  • Customize access controls and permissions as admin.
  • Manage the audit process.
  • You can automate your core business processes.
  • Gives you full control of your business processes.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • You can keep up with compliance requirements.
  • You can create subtasks within tasks.
  • Admin can customize dashboards.
  • You’re able to set goals and track your progress.


Process Bliss offers a free trial, after which you pay $10 per user/month. You get two free months if you pay annually.

Process Bliss offers a 40% discount for charity and education.


  • Their subscription plans are transparent; there are no restricted features to get you to pay higher fees.
  • The software is user friendly.
  • Allows design of complex repetitive processes for scheduled reuse.


  • Tasks can become difficult to manage.
  • Offers fewer features compared to other alternatives.
  • Has a learning curve.

7. Kissflow

kissflow workflow

Kissflow is a great end-to-end workflow software because it supports both structured (process/bpm) and unstructured workflows (case management). Kissflow is a no-code platform that allows anyone to create an automated process, a task board, manage a case flow, and conduct project-related discussions.


kissflow features

Features of Kissflow include:

  • Admin can customize controls and permissions.
  • Admin has control over process approvals.
  • You can track the flow of approvals.
  • You can automate your core business processes.
  • You can control your business processes.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • There is provision for compensation management.
  • Your dashboard is customizable.


Kissflow pricing is in three tiers:

  1. Small business: Minimum of 50 users at $10/user per month, or $6,000 billed annually.
  2. Corporate: Minimum 100 users at $20/user per month, or $24,000 billed annually.
  3. Enterprise: Contact support to get a quote.


  • Kissflow is a digitized decision-making tool.
  • Provides workflow optimization—that is, helps to improve your existing workflow.
  • You can store your procedures and standard operating procedures on the cloud and extract them for later use.


  • Migrating your procedures from other process management software can cause problems; some of them become scattered and might become hard to find.
  • The systems are rigid and might require taking some decisions to higher levels before they can be approved, thereby causing delays.
  • The cost to use Kissflow is high.

8. CheckFlow

checkflow as an alternative

CheckFlow is a simple platform for building, maintaining, and evaluating your team’s processes and workflows. Users may create elaborate process documents that include subtasks, data tables, email templates, photographs, videos, and other features. 

Processes may be easily controlled and executed as collaborative workflows utilizing the real-time dashboard. Teams may share and white-label checklists, opening up a new line of contact with customers. You may save time by automating tasks and integrating with other tools.


checkflow features

Here are some features of CheckFlow:

  • Get alerts or notifications for activities.
  • Automate your core business processes.
  • Have control over your business processes.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • You can track changes in your processes.
  • Control to design and model your processes.
  • Offers reporting and analytics tools.
  • Offers rules-based workflow.
  • Offers pre-built templates. 
  • Integrate third-party and external tools.


CheckFlow’s Business package is priced at $10 per user/month, while its Enterprise package is $18 per user/month, with a minimum of five users.


  • CheckFlow’s user interface is easy to navigate and user-friendly.
  • Automatically updates tasks across users and devices in real time.


  • Your tasks have to be part of your processes—you cannot create tasks that are independent, or not parts of a process or procedures.

9. Tallyfy

Tallyfy platform

Tallyfy is a workflow and process management platform that enables you to record and handle each process in your firm without the need for difficult flowcharts, code, or flow diagrams.


Tallyfy features

Below are some Tallyfy features:

  • There is a dashboard for all your activities.
  • Ability to automate your core business processes.
  • Have control of your business processes.
  • Manage and track your business calendar in the software.
  • Tallyfy helps you keep abreast of compliance.
  • Customize your dashboard as you like.
  • Track all the changes to your processes and procedures.


Tallyfy offers two packages: Tallyfy Docs ($5/member per month, with a minimum of 10 members) and Tallyfy Pro ($30/member per month, with a minimum of four members). Both packages give you two free months when you pay annually.


  • Strong features but easy to use—Tallyfy has features that on many other software will be described as complex, but are easy to use on Tallyfy.
  • You can easily share business processes with team members.


  • There is limited personalization and customizations available for the dashboard.
  • Tallyfy has a slow user interface.
  • No pre-built process automation templates for processes that are used across organizations.

10. Methodologee

methodologee dashboard

You can scale your company by putting your organization’s manual online, utilizing an inexpensive, cloud-based business process management (BPM) solution. You can quickly document, distribute, and update your standard operating procedures (SOP) using Methodologee. You can also use it to manage recurring chores and engage with your franchisees and teams.


methodologee features

Methodologee offers you the following features:

  • Admin can customize access and permission controls.
  • Receive alerts and notifications about your processes and procedures.
  • Automate your core business processes.
  • Admin has control over all business processes.
  • The software has tools for multilevel collaboration.
  • You can leave comments or notes on tasks in real time.
  • Track changes made to your processes.
  • Access to pre-built templates.


Methodologee costs $50/month for up to 10 members and $5/month for each additional member.


  • Methodologee has a mobile version, which aids easier access.
  • You can integrate external tools like Drive and Dropbox into the software. 
  • More so, it generally accommodates internal and external resources.


  • The features Methodologee offers are very basic.
  • They also do not offer a lot of resources for training and familiarization with the software.
  • Methodologee has no iOS app.

There you have it. Ten ProcessKit alternatives for better managing your processes and procedures. The next question is: how do you choose the right alternative for your organization? Well, let’s take some decision-making lessons next.

Chapter 3: How to Choose the Right ProcessKit Alternative for You

right processkit alternative

Now that you have seen the pros and cons of the ProcessKit alternatives featured here, the next step is to decide on which of these ProcessKit alternatives is right for you. This chapter is created to help you make that decision easily and correctly.

The three most popular methods for selecting the optimal alternative in decision-making are experience, experimentation, and research and analysis.

selecting decision making alternative


Prior experience has a significant influence on decision-making.

However, one should exercise caution when drawing on the past solely for the sake of naive reverence for the ancient. When used as a guide for future action, it can also be destructive.

The experience, on the other hand, may be valuable as a foundation for decision-making if it is properly evaluated rather than blindly followed and the true causes or reasons for success or failure are identified.

Experience with unsatisfactory process management software, or inexperience in the subject, for example, made you look for ProcessKit alternatives.

So what’s next?


The normal method for selecting an alternative is to try one of them and see how it goes. This type of testing is commonly utilized in scientific research.

It is generally recommended that this strategy be employed regularly in management. Because only by experimenting with many choices can a manager be certain of the optimal way, especially given the intangible aspects involved in the decision process.

Experimentation as a method of choosing the best alternative involves signing up for free trials. Luckily, you can start right now with SweetProcess without even needing a credit card.

Click here to start your 14-day free trial of SweetProcess. 

Research and Analysis

When there are numerous options to weigh, research and analysis are two of the best ways to make decisions. This approach calls for comprehending a problem before attempting to fix it.

A good example of research and analysis is your current search for ProcessKit alternatives. And to further aid your analysis, in the next chapter you’ll learn how to use SweetProcess to better manage your processes. You’ll see step-by-step how easy it is to create a procedure on SweetProcess.

You’ll also see real-life case studies, others who were also like you, searching for the best process management tool for them and now have only good stories to tell. You’ll see why SweetProcess is the best ProcessKit alternative you can find anywhere.

Chapter 4: How SweetProcess Can Help You Better Manage Your Processes and Procedures

how sweetprocess can help

One thing you might have noticed is that SweetProcess meets all the process management needs any organization may have, no matter their size.

You’ve seen how easy it is to create and manage processes and procedures with SweetProcess, but here are more real-life cases of people who have benefited greatly from choosing SweetProcess.

How Next7 IT Used SweetProcess to Improve Their Business Operations

next7 IT

Don Houk, president of managed services firm Next7 IT, discovered SweetProcess while looking for ways to improve his business operations. He claims SweetProcess has not only enhanced his organization’s operations but also enabled his staff to consistently generate excellent results.

The Problem

Don described it as an indexing nightmare. “No one could find anything. I think that part of it was just not being able to find the procedure that you needed,” Don said in his interview. 

There was a lack of accountability in addition to the difficulties in accessing information. It was difficult to differentiate between the duties that team members completed. As a result, when mistakes occurred, they were unable to determine who was to blame. 

Don recognized that it was necessary that a better and much more streamlined process be put in place if they wanted to have any kind of measurable progress. Hence, the search for viable alternatives.

SweetProcess as the Most Viable Alternative

“SweetProcess came from a search that we did, trying to identify a better way to manage our processes… We went through an evaluation process of many different companies and SweetProcess was the one that we ended up going to as a result of that search,” Don says.

Here are some ways that SweetProcess aids Next7 IT in proactive service administration.

  1. Effective documentation

By enabling the Next7 IT team to adequately document their business procedures and processes, SweetProcess assisted in bridging the team’s knowledge gap.

  1. Employee onboarding and training

SweetProcess’s extensive documentation features make it simple to construct detailed procedures and processes for self learning. SweetProcess is helpful for teaching teammates what to do in photos rather than telling them what to do in text.

  1. Consistency in service delivery

“I think the consistency around being able to deliver results over time, because there are so many different procedures for what we do…so being able to schedule all that out and consistently do that process every time, it’s very repeatable and that’s one of the keys of having repeatable work. You’re not reinventing that wheel every time. You’ve got the system—you just need to execute it.”

You can easily tell that Don is happy with his choice of SweetProcess as Next7 IT’s process management solution.

You can click here to read Next7 IT’s full story.

How SweetProcess Was Used to Quiet the Business Process Storms at ShipCalm


Another case study is ShipCalm, an e-commerce–focused logistics company that provides omni-channel fulfillment services, distributing products directly to customers and merchants.

Ted Fogliani, the process-driven CEO of ShipCalm, needed a means to improve efficiency throughout the company, but he was unable to locate the ideal tool. His staff was impacted, and it showed in how they handled their tasks. Limited information access made it difficult for them to complete jobs.

Ted’s search was over when he discovered SweetProcess because the program was exactly what he and his team needed.

The Problem

The primary problem the team at ShipCalm faced was that they and their facilities were being stretched beyond their capacity. 

Choosing the Right Alternative

Ted’s top priorities were ensuring that his employees had an enabling work environment and that his customers were happy, so he looked for a workflow tool that would help him accomplish these goals. 

“I had been hunting for years for something that was easy to do, and the thing that got me attracted to SweetProcess was that writing revision one of the procedures is the easiest thing in the market. I’ve looked at them all. Writing revision one was the easiest thing to do with these guys.”

SweetProcess to the Rescue

SweetProcess had to meet four distinct goals for ShipCalm.

  1. Employee training and onboarding

Ted ensures that his staff is properly trained on the duties they will be undertaking before they begin work. SweetProcess allows him to follow their training and appraise their ability.

New employees can be directed to the system’s standard operating procedures to obtain all the information they require, which aids in the organization’s employee onboarding process. 

  1. Business process documentation

Ted acknowledged that the finest standard operating procedures are ones that are simple to implement, having previously dealt with standard operating procedures. When he started out to discover a workflow tool to employ in his own firm, one of the things he was looking for was ease of use.

“I wanted to be able to write a procedure quickly and I wanted anybody with a reasonable training skill set who could type to be able to do one very easily,” he says.

  1. Employee and customers’ knowledge bases

SweetProcess provides the organization with a centralized knowledge source for its staff and customers. Any information they require for any task is only a click away.

  1. Shared user experience

Ted claims that sharing his clients’ ideal user experience with them via the system’s visual aid is the biggest game-changer of adopting SweetProcess. Customers can personally examine what is being done to have a feel for it.

You can click here to read ShipCalm’s full story.

Chapter 5: Conclusion

These client experiences demonstrate why SweetProcess is the best alternative for managing processes and procedures. In addition to these case studies, you can also click here to see video testimonials from satisfied SweetProcess users.

In one of these videos, Alli Marris Krastel, the HR coordinator for VantageOne Credit Union, talks about the enthusiasm expressed by the trainees onboarded and trained using SweetProcess.

Mitch Dodd, COO of KinTec, says, “To be able to have people understand and know what they are doing, it’s a wonderful tool.”

And Paul Sherman, VP and GM of Sherman’s, says, “When someone steps into a new role, or we bring them into the company, it’s documented how to do their job. That culture of define it, improve it has really been helpful for us.”

Try out SweetProcess now to see for yourself. You don’t have to pay anything now, so you have nothing to lose. It’s either of two things: you like SweetProcess and continue using it, or you don’t like it and move on to another alternative. Good thing we already compiled a list for you.

So, what do you say?

Click here immediately to sign up for the free 14-day trial period without using your credit card.

sign up

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